Chapter 15: An Unexpected Guest

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A/N: I don't own one piece

Here's a new chapter for you and I hope you enjoy it. Im starting to get more into the narrative of this fic and the story elements I want in the future but it will be a few chapters until it fully picks up.

Also If you wanna talk at all my DMs are always open if you wanna chat and so is my discord is solarsay so if you wanna talk there I'm always open.

Anyways let's begin.


The loud sound of weights hitting the floor was heard from the crow's nest as two individuals set down their heavy weights. Both Zoro and Yamato were workout buddies and were now taking a break from their set and were both sweating.

Zoro had his typical workout attire of no shirt and only his pants. While Yamato was wearing her normal clothes since she had no workout clothes yet. The large hilted dumbbells were set down and the both of them sighed as Yamato rubbed her neck and Zoro wiped his forehead.

"I think I am done for today Zoro", Yamato grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her neck, and stared down at the swordsman. Zoro looked up and her and he simply shrugged and got up from the floor and walked to resume his workout. As Yamato was walking toward the hatch she noticed Zoro's swords lying on the wall and noticed a familiar sword design.

'Is- is that?', Yamato thought to herself as she stared at the blade.

She had recalled hearing about Zoro acquiring the Enma but she didn't think it was true but there it lay out in the open. She had wide eyes seeing it as she walked over toward it and was close enough to grab it until she saw a silhouette appear on the horizon past the window.

Yamato looked away from the sword and squinted her eyes as she tried to focus on what was appearing beyond the horizon. But to her horror, she saw a ship appear on the horizon. And it wasn't just any ship...

It was a marine ship

Yamato gasped and quickly opened the hatch and down below the deck was Jimbei, Franky, and Nami.

"Marine Ship portside!!!"

Those on the deck looked up to see the logbooker yelling down at them. The crew looked outside and saw what she said was true as much as they wished it wasn't.

Nami gasped and began yelling orders to the crew to get away quickly from the marine ship. With the crew taking their position Zoro jumped down to the deck and looked around.

"Huh, where's Luffy?", Zoro asked the panicked crew and they all stopped at him asking this.

Where was Luffy?

"That idiot ran into the forest with Chopper!", Nami yelled out in anger as her eyes turned white and her teeth became sharp.

With the Marine ship becoming increasingly closer the crew had started to prepare for a fight to emerge. But when the crew heard the sound of sandals hitting the deck they turned around to see Luffy and Chopper holding a beetle.

"Hey guys look at this cool beetle we found", Luffy said holding up the bug with a joyful look on his face as he had his smile plastered on his face.

Luffy was then hit to the ground by a very angry Nami. "Thanks idiot! the Marines are already here cause we had to wait for you!!!", an angry Nami screeched to the downed captain.

Luffy then got up from the floor and shook his head back and forth and returned it to its original position. He then looked toward the ship and gasped loudly.

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