Chapter 3: Dinner and a Celebration

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A/N: I don't own One Piece


With the mention of dinner, Luffy immediately gets over his defeat and his eyes started to glimmer. "Really Food!!!", Luffy yelled out in excitement. He wasn't the only one excited since Yamato also got excited at the idea of a feast.

"Luffy, come help set the table", Sanji spoke while puffing out a cloud of smoke. Luffy got out of the pool and wrapped a towel over his neck. He looked over to Yamato and spoke, "We can continue this later Yamao, don't think you'll win next time," He said as he laughed.Yamato smiled and gave him a determined look in her eyes before she nodded.

Luffy walked to the dining room to help the blond cook set the table. "Hey, Yamato", Nami's voice brought her attention to the navigator. "Can you go grab Zoro from the crow's nest?". Yamato looked up at the mast of the Sunny and nodded and began to climb up the ladder. When she arrived at the top she entered the dome-like area with windows surrounding the walls.

She saw Zoro teaming with some large weights at the end of a pole. He was raising it and striking it down like a sword. She watched for a bit until she made her presence known to the swordsman, "Hello, Sanji said dinner is ready". Zoro set the weights down and breathed out before looking at her. "I'll * pant pant* be down in a minute", Zoro said while out of breath.

Yamato was curious about the weight and l began walking over to the weighted sword trainer and grabbed the handle and lifted it with one arm. While she was inspecting the weight Zoro was looking at her and let out a hint of a smile. "If you are interested I could have Franky make me another one for you, you should train up here sometime". Yamato set it down and smiled brightly at the idea of training. "Yes, I think I'll need some heavier weights though", Yamato said. Zoro saw as she picked it up with one hand again and began swinging it like her club. "I don't think you're in normal workout attire", Zoro said bluntly. Yamato looked down and saw she was still in the bikini Nami lent her.

"Yeah I was just in the pool with Luffy, Nami let me borrow it since I didn't have one", Yamato said while she set the weight down. She peeked outside and saw Luffy coming outside while getting yelled at by Sanji for something. She just kept staring at him which made the swordsman confused as to who she was staring at. He looked down and saw Luffy and sighed, "What's that idiot done now". Yamato chuckles at her captain's antics. "Let's go down", Yamato said as she looked down at the swordsman before she walked to the ladder and climbed down.

When Yamato arrived at the deck all the crew was there and they were all looking at the cook and the captain watching the event unfold. "What happened?", Yamato said as she leaned down and whispered in Robins's ear. Before Robin could respond Sanji accidentally answered her question by yelling out, "I ASKED YOU TO PUT THE PLATES ON THE TABLE NOT ON THE GROUND! I HAD TO SET IT ALL BY MYSELF". He was pulling at Luffy's cheek stretching out and Luffy was trying his best to get away. "I said I was sorry! We have more plates don't we?", Luffy said our whole pulling away from the blonde chef.

"Sanji don't you think you're being too harsh?", Robin asked. That made Sanji immediately stop and start swooning over the woman, "I may have been a bit too harsh, my sweet Robin! I won't do it again". He started spinning with hearts in his eyes. Zoro only scoffed at the sight and cursed under his breath, "Idiot cook". Sanji stopped and turns to Zoro, "WHAT DID YOU SAY MOSS HAIR!". The two then faced each other with a snarl on their faces before Nami pushed them apart and have them a deadly look.

Eventually, the crew all stepped inside the kitchen and sat down at the table. With the new addition, the order of the crew mates was a bit different than they were used to. As Yamato sat down at a seat no one was occupying she looked around and saw her new friends all sitting and waiting for their food. Being the second tallest straw hat aside from Jinbei she could easily look around the table from her seat. Luffy sat down in the middle of the rectangular table right next to Yamato who was on his right, with Usopp on his left. He awaited eagerly along with Yamato who was also hungry.

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