Chapter 4: What Did You Just Say Luffy?

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A/N: I don't own One piece. Also I messed up last chapter and had Sengoku as fleet admiral when it should have been Akainu. I then messed up again when I miss typed it as Aokiji when I first tried to fix it so my brain was not working that day. Also I messed up on Yamatos bounty it should have been a billion but I accidentally put it as a million. Anyways I like seeing your comments and let's begin.


The day was perfect

The relaxing breeze, the calm waves of the ocean, the perfect temperature, and a pure relaxing atmosphere. These factors were pretty rare for Nami, especially with the craziness that her friends get into.

Nami was currently leaning down in a lounge chair and was sunbathing in the sun and enjoying the beautiful day.

It's been about 3 weeks since their new crew mate joined and she has settled well into the Straw Hat crew in the navigator's opinion.

She has gotten along very well with all her crewmates so far. She and Zoro talk about weapons and swords while they train in the crow's nest. She also likes to talk about the history of Oden with Robin who enjoys the talks on history.

Sanji is just Sanji and enjoys giving food and drinks to the woman. Chopper even enjoys spending time fishing with Yamato and Usopp. But the person she's spent the most time with has to have been Luffy.

Nami has to admit the simple fact that Luffy and Yamato are both similar. They are both gluttons when it comes to food, and both have a desire for adventures.

But there was something off about the two.

Nami couldn't place her finger on it but the memory of Luffy looking up at Yamato in the pool came to her mind and the fact that it almost looked like there was a form of blush on his face. Nami couldn't think of irregular weather patterns that would cause Luffy to turn red since the day was beautiful. She forgot about it for a bit but it always lingered in the back of her mind.

'Does Luffy have a crush?'

The idea of Luffy having romantic feelings for someone was d new thing Nami hadn't thought of before. And the fact that they've been inseparable for the past 3 weeks added to her skepticism.

Since 2 years have passed and Luffy revealed the Pirate Empress Boa Hancock had proposed to him and he declined she just believes he wasn't interested in anybody.

She remembers the reaction of Sanji when he said he met Boa Hancock. Luffy didn't get to eat dinner that night at all.

She was going through her head and just thought she'd need to observe her captain's actions and behaviors more to find out about this. She won't tell anyone as well, she'll want to keep this a secret.

Nami sighs and leans back and fixes her jeans by lifting them up a bit and lays back against the chair. As she was about to sleep again she heard the sound of a very hungry Luffy coming from the kitchen.


"There it is", Nami grumbled to herself as she rubbed her eyes.

"Lunch is ready!", Sanji yelled out to the rest of the crew.

Nami sat up and brushed her hair behind her shoulder and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. As she entered she saw Luffy and Yamato both sitting down waiting for the cook to give them their food.

Nami sat down and eventually all of the crew arrived and they all waited for Sanji to pass the food out. "Sanji hurry uppp! We barely had anything for breakfast", Luffy said in an exhausted tone like he's been starving for days. Sanji flared up and then yelled at him saying, "If you didn't sneak in here and eat the breakfast food in the middle of the night that wouldn't have been an issue!!!".

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