Chapter 5: Explaining Love To An Idiot

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A/n: I don't own one piece. So here's another chapter in this story, I'm surprised at the fact that there are already 400 reads yet it has only 4 chapters and it's been up for not very long so thank you all for reading this.


With the captain of the straw hats accidentally giving away the information about Luffys new feeling in his chest the male members of the crew were surely shocked. As the silence takes over the kitchen Luffy looks around with a confused expression.

"What are you guys all quiet about?", Luffy asks

As the crew shook off their confused faces Brook was the first one to begin asking Luffy some more questions, "So uh... Luffy.... how long has this been going on for again?". He asked in an almost whispered voice just so the crew was able to hear it.

"Hummmmm..... It started when she first joined I think, but it also was happening when we were still in Wano and when I first saw her", Luffy said in between bites of meat.

Zoro for once put down his sake and tried to think of a way to explain it to him but was having foible since Luffy's too dense to understand any example. But the crew still has questions that they want to be answered, "How does this feeling happen, is it from looking at her, talking to her, or just thinking about her", Sanji asked while putting a new cigarette in his mouth.

"Mainly when I'm talking to her, but it also happens when I just think of her... is this a type of heart failure?", Luffy said with a grin on his face clearly not noticing the crew's expressions.

"Okay so... Luffy.... Do you find yourself looking at Yamato in anyways that you don't do to anyone else. Like do you look at her in a different way than Nami or Robin?", Usopp asked while he put his hands on the table waiting for an answer.

"Nope, only Yama-o... it's weird since my eyes lf look at the top of her chest for some reason almost out of instinct... never had an issue with that before. Pretty weird right", Luffy said with a grin and in a cheerful tone.


Luffy's smile fades as he gets out of his chair and peers to the other side of the table and sees Usopp with pure white eyes and a gaping mouth laying on the floor. It looks like he was punched but no one was near him... It's like he passed out from shock.

"AHHH! Somebody get a doctor for Usopp!!... oh wait that's me", Chopper squeaked out before jumping over the table to get to Usopp. As he checks his pulse Usopp rises from the floor and leans his body in a loud gasp.

He then looks over to Luffy to see him with a tilted face confused about it all. Usopp then twists his head to the left to look at all the other crew members and speaks to them, "How are we gonna explain this to him???".

All of them sigh as they try to find the words to describe the emotion. Zoro looked over to Sanji who had an aura of sadness and Zoro barked at him to listen, "Hey Idiot cook, the Captain needs our help... so no moping around or yelling at him alright". Sanji flared up and got in his face and was about to scream back until he felt a voice in his head telling him to help Luffy.

As much as it pained him, he had to let one of his lovely ladies go.

"Fine moss head!.... You see luffy... what your feeling is... love", Sanji spoke but he had a clear tone of begrudging anger in his voice from having one of his beautiful ladies being taken away.

"Oh yeah I already know that I love Yamato, she's one of my friends and crew-mates", Luffy said smiling. Brook spoke up and tried to continue off of what Sanji said by adding, "We know you do Luffy but this love is... a bit... different".

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