Chapter 26: The World Freezes! Everyone's Terrified Reaction

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A/N: here's the next chapter of the story. I don't own one piece but I hope you enjoy.


The Red Force

The day started for the Red-Haired Pirates like any other. Breakfast was served and they continued their route to meet up with Luffy, on captain's orders.

Shanks stood near the helm leaning against the railing with a smile on his face. He couldn't wait to see Luffy again and they are for sure gonna have a party with lots of drinks. There were a lot of things they'd have to catch up on and the man hadn't stopped smirking since he saw the news.

It was also finally time Luffy completed his promise to him. And return his hat.

It was about noon and they still had about a day until they arrived at the island. So not much else had been going on to cause any pandemonium. Especially with a crew like the Red Hair pirates, there wasn't a thing in the world that could cause the crew to panic.

Shanks saw the messenger seagull fly in the sky and smiled as the paper dropped onto the deck.

Lucky Roo decided to walk over to the paper first and picked it up. He bit into his leg of ham and held it in his mouth as he unraveled the paper from its wrapping.

The paper had the stamp of the World Economy News on it so it was definitely gonna be something interesting. Shanks looked out back into the blue ocean, his hair slightly blowing in the wind.

Shanks was brought out of his watch over the waters by the sound of a leg of ham hitting the ground.

He looked to his right to see Lucky Roo with his jaw dropped and glasses nearly falling off which revealed wide eyes.

"Lucky what's wrong?", Beckman asked from the helm as he walked down the steps past Shanks to walk toward the chef.

Lucky Roo didn't respond which was very odd for him. "B-boss...", Lucky finally managed to say.

Benn walked to Lucky's side and once his eyes met the paper his cigarette fell from his mouth and he looked in disbelief.

shanks knew something was up with the fact both of them were acting weird. The captain walked over to the duo and grabbed the paper from Lucky who was still frozen.

Shanks never expected to read this sentence in his lifetime.

Straw Hat Luffy set to be executed in Logue Town in 4 days

The world for Shanks froze as he read the title of the news. He tilted his head down and began grinding his teeth together. His eyebrows tilted down and a large scowl appeared.

The clouds above the ship departed and left a massive hole in them that was directly above the ship. It was as if even the clouds didn't want to be within range of the pirate.

Shanks's mind flashed with memories of Luffy as a child and then to the war at Marineford. He activated his observation haki and managed to look into the past 2 days ago and saw a Luffy on an island within his territory.

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