Chapter 16: Night Terrors

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A/N: I don't own one piece,

Here's another chapter and I hope you enjoy it

As Garp sailed away from the Sunny the crew was surprised that Garp didn't try another trick to capture them like he did at Water 7. This causes some of the crew to become curious but they eventually forget about it as the crew begins to eat.

After they ate Yamato volunteered to be on night watch duty. As Yamato stared out to the endless horizon of the sea, her mind began to come up with random scenarios inside of her head. Mainly thinking of the events that took place earlier. She was confused by the entire interaction she had with Luffy's grandfather and if she was honest she didn't expect him to behave like that.

Not to mention the constant fighting the two of them were doing made Yamato upset with his grandfather. On some level she was glad she had met Garp but the way he talked about being her grandfather had made her embarrassed on a level she didn't know she could be embarrassed on.

There were no waves nearby so the only thing heard could be the sound of the ship creaking ever so slightly. But as Yamato looked toward the moon in the night sky she heard a new sound coming from below deck. In fact, the sound wasn't coming from either the boy's room or the girl's room. This piqued Yamato's interest because the sound wasn't the usual snoring... was... sobbing

Realizing this Yamato decided she needed to find out where the noise was coming from. The Oni descended the ladder she noticed the noise had been coming from below the deck in the storage room.

Yamato was at a certain level worried so she grabbed her Takeru and a candle as she held it over her shoulder as she walked through the narrow corridors. As she drew closer to the noise she finally saw a figure in the ground.

The figure was lying sideways on the ground and when she finally was close enough for the dim candle hanging from the ceiling to light up the room the figure's identity revealed itself to her.

It... was Luffy

Realizing this she stepped to his side and knelt down in her knees to turn his body over. She grabbed his shoulder and flipped his body toward her. She wished she could forget the moment she first saw Luffy's tear-stained cheeks and the way his lip quivered as he was sleeping.

... he was having a nightmare

Yamato's face froze and her breathing stopped for just a moment. She could only stare as Luffy, 's closed eyes began to produce tears again and he began quietly sobbing in complete defeat and sorrow.

"Y-yo-you... you p-p-prom-promised", Luffy's barely legible mumbling pleads we're all Yamato needed to snap her back to reality and start to try and wake him up. She couldn't guess what Luffy's dream was about but the next mumbling mess of words caused her heart to break a little.

"...A-Ace p-please"

Yamato didn't wait a second longer to start shaking Luffy which did not affect the rubber boy at all. Realizing his nightmare about Ace made all too much sense to the Oni. After shaking him didn't have any effect on him she tried a different approach.

Yamato set Luffy back on the ground and slowly ran her hand through his hair. She set his head on her lap and tried to talk to him.

"Luffy... It's me Yamato. It's only a dream Luffy... please wake up", Yamato continued whispering sweet nothings into his ear in an attempt to wake him.

It actually seemed to be working because Luffy's silent sobs became more spaced out in their timing and the violent jerks of his body stopped completely. His breathing became normal once again and his whole demeanor of sleep had relaxed. Luffy's body had instinctively turned towards Yamato's body and cuddled further into her.

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