Chapter 32: The Battle of Loguetown Begins!

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A/N: hey so i heavily apologize for the long wait time it's been in between chapters but i struggled a bit to find a way to write this part of the string for the build up. But don't worry I'm back and I think it'll be easier writting now that we finally in the action. As always if you enjoyed make sure to comment and star as it helps out a lot and keeps me going.

Anyways let's begin


Usopp gasped heavily and his grip on the Kabuto loosened so much it almost dropped. He couldn't believe he actually did it... he saved Luffy just in the nick of time. The adrenaline nearly made him pass out as he slowly walked over to the edge and dropped from the crow's nest ceiling and walked to the stairs.

Yamato rushed over to Usopp and grabbed him by the shoulders, she began shaking him vigorously back and forth yelling, "WHAT HAPPENED!! IS LUFFY OKAY IS HE HURT!!" Usopp's brain shook like a rattle inside his skull from the force. "AaAaAa- L-l-L-UuUUFfY I-i-Is A-a-AlLlL SsSaFfE." Usopp managed to squeak out with a heavily vibrated tone.

The Sniper was let go and his body flopped to the floor. Yamato jumped into the air and screamed with joy. Nami and Chopper rushed to his side and hugged the downed man who passed out from the violent shaking.

Zoro turned back to Laboon and yelled, "Hey Laboon! Can you go faster?" Zoro draws one sword and wipes off some debris on the blade. He was itching to use it against some marines and cut through that metal fortress. Laboon chirped and managed to push the Sunny at an even faster speed causing tidal waves to form as they passed through the water.

Usopp, still on the ground, still couldn't believe that he was able to make that shot. He's never hit that far of a shot before and it genuinely baffled him. 'What did that machine do to my Kabuto' he thought to himself, still out of breath and unable to speak more than a mumble.

Akainu's jaw clenched so tight, that he bit off the cigar, letting part of it drop to the floor. He looked around and waited for any response from recon. He received orders from the world government to not kill straw hat with his own hands unless he is freed. The order angered Akainu, but he knew he couldn't go against their orders. He tapped his foot against the ground and gave orders to the soldiers on the ground.

The Snail in his hand jumped to life and a panicked marine began to scream, "IT'S THE STRAW HATS!!! THERE HERE FLEET ADMIRAL!" Akainu's grip tightened on the snail and he brought it up to his mouth, "OPEN FIRE!!!" He screamed.

The turrets began firing bullets toward The Thousand Sunny all in unison. The loud boom caused marines to hold their ears from the earth-shattering sound. As the bullets launched toward the ship, they all seemed to miss. Laboon was traveling too fast for any explosives to hit.

"We can't hit them, sir! That damn whale is pushing them too quickly." Said the voice from the other side. Akainu faltered for a second and looked down at the snail with a visible sign of confusion on his face.


The Fleet Admiral turned his head toward the horizon where the turrets fired and saw a small speck beginning to come closer to the island. His scowl deepened as the pirates began making their way toward their inevitable demise. They would all die along with their captain for their actions.

The marines stationed near the steel gate gulped as the pirate ship didn't seem to be slowing down. They didn't stop with the onslaught of bullets, they managed to hit the ship a few times but unfortunately for them, the pirates on board began slicing and blowing the bullets from hitting anything vital onboard.

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