Chapter 29: Race to Loguetown! Red Haired Shanks vs Blackbeard!

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A/N: I don't own One piece.

Sorry for the delay from Friday a lot happened last week that caused the chapter to get pushed back when writing. I'm  getting back into the groove of things now and I hope your looking forward to seeing more.

Also if the writing for these next few chapters is a bit dull I'm sorry for that since this is mainly just serving as set up for the battle coming soon so just keep that in mind. Also thanks to AverageOPenjoyer for editing and proofreading that helped me out a lot.

Anyways let's begin.


As the Straw Hats looked up toward the falling rocks heading for the Sunny, Yamato, Sanji, and Jinbe all readied either their weapon, leg, or fists and jumped into the air.

Yamato readied her club, and heading toward the largest boulder, she effortlessly broke the rock and split it into thousands of pebbles. There was still more debris falling, but Yamato knew the others could handle it.

Just behind Yamato, Sanji flew through the air and jumped from rock to rock smashing them with his flaming leg.

Finally, Jinbe lined up a line of 3 boulders perfectly and pierced them in one blow with his fishman karate.

With only smaller debris remaining, Franky shot them all with his arm cannon. With the remaining rocks dealt with they had finally saved the Sunny from any damage. And with everything now calmed down the crew could finally stare at what Zoro had just done.

He lay unconscious from the amount of strain that move had put onto his body, as well as cutting something so large. Chopper was performing a checkup on him, and upon finding nothing serious, sighed in relief.

"Zoro's fine, he just needs to rest a bit from the amount of stress he put on his body", Chopper explained to the crew. They nodded and Usopp pointed toward the tunnel.

"Uhhh...  are we sure that's gonna remain stable?" Usopp asked, slightly worried about travel. Nami looked at the hole and shrugged.

"It should be fine," she said shrugging

"SHOULD BE!?!?!?" Chopper and Usopp both yelled in a panic. The two began sweating as the ship picked up anchor and traveled toward the hole.

Robin picked up Zoro's body and held him in her arms as she walked toward the sick bay of the ship to let him rest. She entered the room and placed his snoring body on the bed and smiled at his sleeping form. She walked out and saw as The Sunny slowly entered the hole he made.

Jimbei was careful to not hit the sides of the cave but due to how large he made the hole it wasn't too hard. It was nearly a perfect circle and everyone was more surprised by the vast length he was able to cut from a singular slash.

Doubting Zoro is something you should never do.

Yamato looked out at the cave in front of them and she couldn't help but feel a light of hope in her. They were on their way to save Luffy after all and that meant that they could get married finally. She couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life by his side, exploring this vast world they lived in, as King and Queen of the Pirates.

"Hey Nami! How much longer until we will be there?!?" Yamato yelled to the other side of the deck. Nami looked up and sighed, "We only just started... it will be maybe 2 days until we're out of the red line and then we'll be very close to where he's being held."

Yamato nodded and gave her a determined look. Yamato knew they wouldn't let Luffy go out and be killed without them giving their all. While the situation was serious she couldn't help but almost squeal when she saw the Enma in action and in power. It was everything she knew it would be.
But sadly the crew didn't realize something very soon upon entering the hole through the red line.

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