1. ugly say "what"

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"mija, cmon get up so you can go
see memo again." my dad creaked my door open.

i groaned since it felt way too early to be up. "papi, que hora es?" i rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone to check the time that read 7:14 AM.

"andale. te espero en el carro." he shut the door making me groan.

i got out of my bed and walked into my bathroom.
after i was done brushing my teeth i went to go change into some flared leggings and a green hoodie.

i was putting my hair into a high pony when i heard my dad beeping from outside. i hurried to finish my hair and walked downstairs, grabbing a water bottle before i left.

good morning my love! have fun at practice, i miss you .💖


i love you💙
read 8:27 AM

i don't understand why joao has been being so distant lately. maybe it's because i left to mexico without letting him know ..
"mija, vamos. javier lleva tiempo queriendo verte." my dad said hopping out of the truck.

we walked into the entrance where the receptionist was, the place still smelt like fabuloso and pinol after all these years.

"puedo ver identificación?" she asked while smiling at me, somehow still remembering my face.

"si, mija tienes tu id?" my dad asked while pulling out his.

"si.." i dug into my purse "aqui esta." i handed my id to camilla the receptionist.

"ya están listos para ir. los muchachos están en el área de descanso a la izquierda del pasillo." she pointed down the hall, and me and my dad started walking.

i could hear the sound of everyone laughing and talking, it made me become more excited than i already was.

i walked through the door, everyone stopping what they were doing.

"y/n!" memo and javier said in union, sprinting out of their seats to embrace me in a hug.

soon edson and alexis joined in making it harder for me to breathe.

"ay i cant breathe" i tapped on one of their shoulders, they broke apart from the hug letting me get a gasp of air.

"how have you been little
one?" javier tapped my head like if i was a puppy.

"ive been good" i smiled at him "what about you?"

"eh ive been alright " he shrugged before going off to sit somewhere.

i was still greeting everyone when the person i hated the most walked into the room.
our faces dropped as we made eye contact.

"que haces aqui?" kevin acted disgusted

"i wanted to see memo and alexis?"

"you still look ugly after all these years." he scrunched his nose

"ya cállate" i walked away from him and went over to alexis.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now