9. french lesson

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"diego im so excited!!" i shook diego by his shoulders.

we were currently boarding the plane.

"shut up y/n, its literally five in the morning." kevin groaned.

i side eyed him and started walking up the steps.

once i got inside i sat somewhere near the middle. i placed my bag on the empty seat since no one is sitting next to me.

i took my blanket out the bag and unfolded it, throwing it over me. i reclined the seat a little and shut the window seal.

"dude we literally just got on and you're already going to sleep?" kevin stared at me while putting away his backpack.

"y que?"

"move your bag, im being forced to sit here." he grabbed my bag and aggressively threw it to me.

"you cant sit anywhere else?! we literally have a whole plane to ourselves and you cant sit anywhere else?" i whined

"you're acting like i wanted to sit here." he sat down and unfolded his grey blanket.

kevin knew he wasn't forced to sit here, but you didnt. he just wanted to be near you for some reason.

"better get used to me snoring for the next ten hours" he peacefully reclined his seat and got comfortable.

"oh my god today has to be the worst day ever." i started to regret calling it the best day ever.

"night" he pulled the blanket over himself and closed his eyes.

i opened the window, i waited for about 20 more minutes and then we took off. i took a photo of the view then closed the window seal again.

the lights on the plane dimmed and i leaned back. i pulled the blanket over myself then closed my eyes.
i woke up about 4 hours later and checked the time.

it was only 9 am. there was still 6 more hours to go.

i looked around to see everyone sleeping. except for diego who was on his ipad watching a movie.

i looked up to see if the seatbelt sign was on and it wasn't, so it meant i could get up.

i carefully got past kevin without waking him up and sat next to diego, he didnt pay attention because he had his airpods in.

he was too focused on the movie till i laid my head on his shoulder making him gasp.

"oh hi y/n" he took out his airpod.

"why are you here" he looked at me.

"im bored"

"watch the movie with me" he handed me an airpod.

i took it from his hand and put it in.

"what are you watching"

"how high"

"oo my favorite movie"

he unpaused the movie and we continued watching it.

we were laughing the whole time.

it eventually woke everyone up.

"estos niños no dejan dormir" orbelin whined to edson.

"y si." edson put on his headphones, they weren't connected to anything he just needed something to block out the laughter.

me and diego continued to laugh, till it woke a certain someone up.

"can you guys shut up?" kevin looked at us.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now