10. you fucked the ninja turtle?

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we were all walking around paris, we were currently in front of the eiffel tower taking pictures.

"y/n take a picture of me!" diego handed me his phone and stood in front of the tower.

"1..2...3" i took a few pictures of him  and handed his phone back.

me and kevin havent spoken about last night. he hasnt even looked at me since last night.

"diego remember the flight attendant from last night?" kevin waited for diego to answer.

"the one that looked like a hooker?"

"yup! that one"

"what about her?"

"i got her number. we've been texting since last night" he bit his lip.

"woww" diego acted surprised.

my heart dropped. last night me and him were making out.

"im hungry, i want a burger" diego held his stomach.

the whole team made humming noises.

my dad agreed and we got back on the bus. we waited for a while so we could find a good restaurant.

we found one and we were on our way there.

when we got to the restaurant we got taken to a private room, it was big and the table was long. long enough to fit all of us.

we all ordered burgers and fries. the food cane shortly after, i posted a picture of it and tagged the location.

i cut the burger in half and started eating.

i looked over at diego who was downing the burger.

"diego chill the food aint going nowhere.." kevin softly smacked him.

"im sorry im really hungry...havent ate since last night." he slowed down his eating.

i was eating when i felt my phone buzz. i grabbed it and checked the notifications.

k.mbappe wants to send you a message.

my face dropped.

"oh my god!!" i yelled making everyone turn to look at me.

diego was being nosy and decided to look over to see what was happening.

"OH MY GOD" he squealed.

"OPEN THE MESSAGE NEOW" diego clicked on the notification which took me straight to instagram.


"y/n say something back!!" diego was more excited than i was.

"what do i say?!"

"bitch a simple 'hi' maybe?"


So you're in paris?


I hope i don't sound weird but i was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner tonight? It's okay if you don't want to.

"Y/N HOLY SHIT" diego was very excited.

"que pasa? why are you guys so excited." my dad asked.

"mbappe, THE mbappe wants to take y/n, OUR y/n out to dinner tonight."  diego smiled.

"are you gonna go?" kevin asked.

"maybe" i smiled.

kevin hummed.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now