4. power outage

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i was watching the movie when i slowly felt my eyes starting to close.

i tried to stay awake but eventually i just fell asleep.
i woke up to the feeling of sweat dripping down my neck, which was weird because i dont sweat while i sleep and the building is always blasting the ac on high.

then i fully opened my eyes to see all the lights turned off and it was dark outside.

i checked my phone and it was almost 8:30 pm

i got up and quickly kicked the blanket off myself, i went to look around for everyone just to find them in the cafeteria.

they were all fanning themselves with paper plates. most of them were wearing a white tank top and the rest were shirtless.

"why is it so hot??" i asked

"the power went out!" they said in union.

"i had ended practice early but the gates wont open till the power comes back" my dad said while fanning himself.


"its hot as balls... the power just had to go out on the hottest day of the year " santi took off his shirt

"i feel bad for y/n, shes wearing a hoodie and sweats" julian looked at me up and down

"its too hot i cant do this" i put my hair up into a ponytail and walked towards the doors that lead to the pitch, hoping its at least a little cooler than inside.

i walked out and the way it felt even hotter outside was wild.

i walked back inside and sat down crossing my arms.

"so..it is not cooler outside."

kevin scoffed.


"nothing." he shook his head.

he had his shirt off and there was sweat droplets all over his chest. his hair was wet too.

i was staring to drift off while staring at kevin before someone interrupted my thoughts.

"stop staring at me."

"i wasnt even staring." i felt the tip of my ears get red.

kevin smirked and shook his head & crossed his arms before looking towards the window.
we decided to play some music and talk so we could pass time. after all we are basically stuck here till god knows when.

"you guys remember when kevin and y/n didnt hate each other? those were the good times" everyone agreed with edson.

me and kevin just scoffed.
while we were all on the couch and i was dying due to the heat, the guys were on their phones texting each other.

except for kevin.

they all got up out of nowhere and went to a corner to talk. they all came back and acted like nothing happened.

"hey kevin do you think you can go to the storage room and get us a couple of those little battery operated fans?" memo asked kevin.

of course kevin was going to say yes to memo.

so he got up and made his way to the storage room.
after a while of kevin being there, memo looked at his phone and looked back up.

"hey y/n can you go help kevin? he needs help carrying the little fans." memo asked me.

i also couldnt say no to him. so i nodded and made my way to the storage room.

i opened the door and kevin looked up to see me. his eyes widened and he sprinted towards the door,

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now