13. copa de oro

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today was the last game in france. it was of course france vs mexico, i was a little nervous since mbappe was back after being sat out since he got a red card in one of his past games.

i wore diego's spare jersey since mine was dirty, ripped baggy jeans and my pine green 1's.

"y/n pleaseee hurry you cant keep hogging the bathroom!" diego whined from the other side of the door.

"i already told you yesterday! either pee your pants or go to kevin's room!" i put the straightener down to grab another section of my hair.


i heard the door open then i heard it slam shut.


i continued straightening my hair till i was finally finished. i unplugged it and left it on the counter.

i walked out the bathroom and checked the time, it was only 7:15 and we didnt have to leave till 10 so i went downstairs to get breakfast meanwhile they were still serving it.

i got to the area where they had all the food, i decided to grab some pancakes and hashbrowns.

i then put butter and syrup on my pancakes and went and sat next to alexis who was talking with the guys.

"oh hey y/n" he smiled at me.

"hi" i started cutting up my pancakes.

"oh there you are kevin! hurry before breakfast is over!" memo smiled at a sleepy kevin.

his hair was all messed up and he was still in his pajamas.

he quickly went to grab some food, pushing past diego who was trying to grab cereal.

my phone vibrated and i saw that gavi started following me on instagram.

"oo" i smiled since gavi was so fine.

i immediately followed him back and put my phone down.

"why are you so happy ?" kevin sat down next to me.

"because i am?"

"her boyfriend probably texted her" alexis looked over at us.

"what boyfriend?" kevin chuckled.

i stayed silent since that had now ruined my morning.

"you and joao broke up!?" alexis' eyes widened.

"i thought it was obvious since i was caught making out with julian.." i mumbled.

"oh no we just thought you were... never mind. im sorry y/n" alexis rubbed my back.

"no its fine im over it"

"but werent you almost a year with him?" chicha asked.

"yeah uh it actually wouldve been our one year today" i scratched my neck.

they all started giving me pity and i really didnt want to hear it so i got up and left.

"y/n im serious. its really going to look bad if anyone finds out about you and kevin." diego whispered into my ear while we were on the way to the stadium.

"they wont find out because theres nothing happening between us."

"alright then." he shook his head and got on his phone.

"im going to try and make a goal just for you" diego smiled warmly at me as he was warming up to get subbed in.

i watched as they lifted up the score board and had number 17 in red and number 16 in green.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now