38. a friendly

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"hey, why did jimmy need us for the friendly? why couldn't he just call up the U-23 team." diego whined. "what do you mean 'why did jimmy need us?' we're literally playing the u.s.." alexis groaned as he packed his bags.

"still dont get why they need us if its a friendly.."

"y/n, did you forget anything? your phone, your laptop, your airpods?" kevin made sure i didnt forget my most important things. "no, i have it all."

"you dropped the kids off with my mom, right?" he made sure as he zipped up the suitcase. "yes kevin, the kids are with your mom. now hurry up, we're going to be late, and you know how my dad is."

"guys, hurry up!" kevin yelled throughout the hallway. "hold on!" alexis shouted back. "i dont know why i let them stay." kevin rolled his eyes and carried the suitcase down the stairs.

alexis and diego had spent the night since we were all going to the same place either way.

"diego's luggage wouldn't fucking close. he stuffed everything in there." alexis was obviously annoyed with diego, who was very much oblivious. "why would i fold my clothes if its just gonna get unfolded anyway?" diego scoffed.

"hurry up y/n, it doesnt take this long to get me a pink drink." alexis groaned as i ordered everyone a drink from starbucks. "calmado." i looked back at him then continued ordering.

we all walked to a small table as we waited for our drinks to be ready. "do you guys think we're gonna lose again? i mean look at what happened last year in vegas. that was the fattest L ever." diego shook his head and got on his phone.

"seriously diego, can you please shut up about the game." kevin rubbed his temples.

diego widened his eyes and looked at me and alexis. "jeez.. im just asking."

"how long is this flight?" emilio asked as we all boarded the plane. "like four hours long, i think?" memo said as he stuffed his bag in the overhead bin.

i continued following kevin until we found a good spot to sit in. we sat down and began getting comfortable.

"sorry! this seat is taken!" diego pouted at everyone that tried sitting with him. "oh sorry, this seat is taken."

"diego, stop being so fucking annoying and let them sit with you. there's not that many seats left." kevin shouted which made everyone go quiet. "why are you yelling? its not even that serious dude." diego scoffed.

"well maybe if you stopped acting like a goddam child i wouldn't be yelling." kevin ran a hand through his hair. "oh, i'm acting like a child? youre the one causing a whole scene over nothing!" diego shouted back.

"im not causing a fucking scene, im just telling you to stop acting like a child and let them sit with you! grow u-"

"shut up! you both are acting like little kids right now, and its quite embarrassing. figure your shit out!"edson cut him off.

everyone stayed quiet and didnt dare to say a word.

the plane soon took off and the plane was still quiet. "i dont even want to play this goddam game." kevin has been under a lot of stress since a lot of stuff went down with his club. "hey, calm down. you're going to be fine. just play and get it over with." i rubbed his shoulder and caressed his cheek.

"do you think hes stressed or he just needs head?" emilio whispered to alexis. "i think he just needs head. you could tell by the way he yelled at diego."


we had finally landed in chicago where they were going to be playing against the u.s.

we had all gotten off the plane and we started making our way to the bus, kevin was somehow ahead of all of us. "whys he so mad?" "let me go talk to him." edson tried walking up but was stopped by memo. "no, no le hablen ahorita."

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now