28. talk2me

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ive been feeling sick since this morning, i didnt feel like talking to kevin at all. i knew he was trying to make things better but i just couldn't do it.

"y/n, im sorry. please talk to me" he tried talk to me, but i couldn't answer.

kevin felt like a piece of shit. he knew cheating on his ex girlfriends was wrong but he wasn't going to pull that on you. he knew better, he knew if he lost you, that was it. you wouldn't go back to him and he'd be stuck having to watch the love of his life, love someone else.

i was cuddled up next to kevin. even though i didnt wanna talk to him, i still wanted to be next to him.

i was trying to fall asleep when my phone kept buzzing.

bad bitches ARISE🙆‍♀️

dude y/n, you, kevin, and your mom need to come back to mexico a fucking sap.

y/n answer
like rn.

y/n pick up!

what happened?

im going to call you.

incoming call from alexis🐐❤️

"hello?" i picked up the phone with a worried tone.

"y/n look, your dad just got into an accident. we dont know how bad it is because the hospital hasnt told us any details because we aren't related to him. but you guys need to get here asap." he was shaking from the other side of the phone.

"what!? what do you mean?" my heart was pounding and my stomach flipped.

"just tell your mom, you guys need to get here immediately. ill call you back in a bit. okay?"

"okay... bye" i hung up and tried to keep myself calm.

"hey, what happened?"

"my dad got into an accident" i got up from the bed and ran downstairs into my mom's room.

"ma we need to go to mexico right now!"

"what? estas loca?"

"dad got into an accident!!"

"que!? who told you?!" she got up from her bed worried.

"alexis, he just called me telling me we need to go asap. and they havent given him any details because he isnt related."

"ill buy the tickets right now, go pack."

i went back up to my room and immediately grabbed my suitcase from my closet.

"start packing, kevin." i started grabbing clothes off hangers and folding them into the suitcase.
i had taken a quick shower before we left to the airport.

once we got to the airport we were flooded with paparazzi and fans trying to get an autograph from kevin. who even has the energy to fan girl at 2 in the morning? apparently kevin's fan base does.

"kevin, te quiero mucho!" "y/n, dejamelo a mi!" "kevin eres el amor de mi vida!" "que guapo!" was all that was heard as we walked into the bag check thank god they didnt let them cross with us.

me and kevin sat together on the plane, while my mom got seated somewhere else.

it was time to serve food and i was going to get a maruchan. if theres a flight attendant flirting with my man im throwing hands.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now