33. surprise..?!

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me and kevin had invited the team over to his house to have a "carne asada", what they didnt know was that i was announcing my pregnancy.

it was around 8 pm and everyone had some beers so it was time to announce it.

kevin started off by clearing his throat and pausing the music that was playing on the speaker.

"who stopped the music!?" alexis whined.

"me.. anyways. uhm hi- jimmy, thank you for giving me the chance to play for la seleccion..!" kevin was scared. he thought this was going to get him kicked off the team.

"kevin.. whatd you do?"

me and kevin looked at each other then at the ground.

i had a little purple gift bag in my hand, inside was my pregnancy test and a blank card that said "vas hacer un abuelo!" .

"papi, i love you.!" i awkwardly smiled and handed him the bag.

it was silent for a second before alexis started choking on his beer. "oh shit" his eyes were widened and everyone was staring at him weirdly. "sorry."

"que es esto?" my dad looked at me then continued to take out the top layer of paper. he then took out the card and looked at both of us. i was shaking inside.

he slowly opened the card and read it carefully. his eyes widened as he closed the card.

"pues what does it say!?" piojo scoffed.

"im going to be a grandpa." my dad stared at us, too stunned to speak.

alexis began choking on his beer...again. "OH SHITT" he held his chest.

everyone was speechless.

"DAMN. they wasted NO time." ozzy was shocked too.

"surprise..!" me and kevin awkwardly shouted.

"EEEEE" diego squealed like a little girl, "ima be an uncle- no wait!- im gonna be a god father!" he got up from his seat and started jumping up and down.

"uhm... who said that?" i gave him a stank look.

"bitch i did, the fuck?"

meanwhile everyone was cheering, my dad was too stunned to speak.

"they done fucked this man up." julian whispered to ozzy.

"im gonna be a grandpa!" my dad started smiling.

thank god.

everyone started yapping about the baby and what they were gonna spoil it with.

"ooh im definitely getting it psycho bunny if its a boy." alexis nodded his head.

me and kevin just shared a look before smiling at how happy everyone was.

"soo i know its a little too soon but, i started getting some things for the nursery!- i only got the crib and the rocking chair. nothing too major." kevin scratched the back if his neck before lifting up the covers and getting into bed with me.

ive slowly started moving in with him. im slowly bringing more and more of my things over, my dad still hasn't noticed that half of my room is literally gone.

"hm thats fine."

"i really hope its a boy." kevin mumbled.

he always wanted to have a boy, that way he could play soccer with him, and do all the father son things he never really got to do.

"i hope so too." i turned over and smiled at him.

"i mean a girl is fine too, i would spoil her so bad. i would set her standards too high when it comes to boyfriends."

he started ranting on why he also wanted a girl. at a certain point he started wishing for twins.

"yeah kevin... im not pushing out TWO babies. you're crazy if you think im doing that."

"it was justt a thought."


hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now