[11.] birthday sex

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i was getting ready to go to the game. it was france against mexico.

it also happened to be kevin's birthday.

i was wearing a mexico jersey, black jeans and my pine green 3's, i did a half up half down and did simple makeup.

it was almost time to go to the stadium so i sprayed perfume on and grabbed my purse, phone and charger.

i walked out the hotel room and went downstairs with everyone.

"finally! lets go" my dad's eyes lit up and he started walking out the door, all of us following behind him.

we got to the bus and sat down. the bus was HOT, hotter than a witches bitch, all of us were sweating, but we tried to stay calm so we didnt start sweating more.

"im sorry the ac is broken. we're trying to get it fixed" my dad apologized.
we got to the stadium and they immediately got to warming up. i went and sat down with my dad.

people slowly started showing up as time came closer for them to start the game.

i needed to use the bathroom so i walked down the hall to the family bathroom.

on my way there i heard the sound of cleats on the concrete, i watched as kevin was running down the hall.

he saw me and smirked.

i continued walking but slower than i was going. i passed by him and he grabbed onto my arm.

"what do you want?" i tried to get out his grip.

"its my birthday" he whispered.

"so? you want a cookie or something?"

"never mind." he let go of my arm and continued jogging back out.

i ignored whatever just happened and walked into the bathroom.

i did my business and went back with my dad. perk of being a football manager's daughter is the seats.

i sat down and got on my phone.

the game started and diego had made a goal. me and the guys that were benched ran to the field to hug him.

"ENANO" i smiled happily while we were in the group hug.

we all went back to sit down and continued watching the game.

we were on the 2nd half of the game.

it was getting a bit boring when suddenly kevin had the ball, then in a blink of an eye he had made a goal.

i got up to cheer while he was doing his celebration.

he fiddled with his fingers until he made a shape of the number 4. he always did that as a celebration for me when we were younger, it made my heart start beating faster.

the number 4 symbolized the day we became friends.

april 4th 2017.

he was making eye contact with me while doing it.

i looked away and sat back down.
the game came to an end, we somehow won 3-1, memo came in clutch today.

we were going to the hotel so we all could change. we were going out to dinner because of the win and because of kevin's birthday.

thank god i packed an emergency dress just in case.

it was a short white dress, i put on my sparkly chanclas and called it an outfit.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now