8. dating rumors

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i woke up to my phone ringing, i picked up while still half asleep.

"y/n! oh my god, there's rumors of you and kevin going around!"

as soon as i heard that, i fully woke up. i took the phone away from my cheek and checked to see who was calling.

of course it was diego.

"what do you mean?"

"well since you guys accidentally matched and he was taking videos of you, everyone thinks you guys are dating!"

i smacked my lips. "but if we deny it then nobody is going to believe us!"

"well you also cant, not deny it, if you dont deny it then everyone is still going to think you guys are dating."

"i'll figure it out, bye diego"

i hung up and groaned, throwing my head into my pillow.

it was about 10, so i got up and washed my face & brushed my teeth. after that i did my skincare and went downstairs.

"te juntaste con kevin!?" my dad immediately shot his head towards me.

"no! where did you hear that!?"

"its all over the news!! mira!" my dad pointed at the tv that was showing photos of me and kevin matching, of him looking like a proud dad while taking videos of me and him carrying me to the truck.

"wow miren a esos dos. hacen una pareja muy linda, pero me confunde un poco, porque el otro día y/n lozano estaba encima de julian araujo, quien también es un jugador de la selección. miren las photos." she showed photos of me and julian at kevin's party.

i gasped at the photos. my dad immediately turned to look at me.

"cuál es su opinión sobre y/n lozano y kevin alvarez? son una linda pareja?" the lady finished talking and continued showing videos of me and kevin.

i covered my face with my hands out of embarrassment.

"y/n... what did i just see?"

"papi... so you see.. i got really drunk you cant blame me!"

"thank god you're only here for one more month" he sighed.

"is that supposed to be offensive? because it was." i pretended to be hurt by placing my hand over my heart.

"not in a mean way just that, some of the guys have a little crush on you, and once you're gone they'll have to stop."

"oh.. so who has a crush on me?" i smiled.

"well recently from what i've heard its..." he paused for a second to think. "julian and gerardo.. and i think kevin but thats it."

"KEVIN? papi you got that all wrong. kevin despises me, like if he had the chance to kill me, he'd do it." i laughed and made myself a bowl of cereal.

my dad just hummed in response.

i continued eating my cereal while going through my twitter feed.

all i was seeing is videos of me and kevin.

i groaned and went onto tiktok, hoping it would be different.

i got a few scrolls in before a kevin fan account posted photos of me and kevin at the concert with the sound "the other woman"

i cringed so bad at the video.

i decided to comment.

y/n.lozanoo:me and kevin are not datinggg.😭

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now