25. bros down bad

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the last few months without you have been so lonely for kevin. he didnt know what else to do with himself, you had obviously always kept him occupied. even if there was nothing to do you always found a way to make things less boring.

his hormones were also fucking with him. there wasn't a week that went by without him getting a boner. he didn't have you to make it go away and he also hated self pleasuring himself, but it was the only thing that could make it go away.

he had just finished jerking himself off, he felt so guilty for finishing to the thought of you.

he seriously thought he was fucked up in the head for it.

what if she finds out ive been jerking off to her? what if she breaks up with me because she thinks im weird?

so many thoughts running through his head that were interrupted by his phone ringing.

"hey, baby" he felt even more guilty now.

"hi" i smiled.

"whats up?"

"nothing, im just bored you know?" i put him on speaker and put my phone down, so i could continue painting my nails.

"whatcha doin" he quickly pulled his boxers back up, along with his shorts.

"im just painting my nails, what about you?" i asked innocently.

oh you know i just got done jerking off.

"im just uh... smoking." he tried to make something up from the top of his head.

"oh alright!"

we've been on a call for about 3 hours now, i was now currently going on a rant about random things.

kevin was staring to feel himself get bricked up again, he hated the fact that he didnt have you there with him so you could just blow him.

he then got an idea, a nasty one. but it would work.

"uh huh, keep talking." he sounded whiny.

"ookay.. as i was saying.." i then trailed back off to whatever i was saying.

he slowly took out his member, he then reached over to his night stand and pumped some lotion into his hand. he then started to jerk himself, repeating the up and down motion continuously. it was making a wet noise, he hoped you couldn't hear it.

"whats that noise?" i asked him.

"oh its just um toby drinking waterr." he furrowed his eyebrows due to the pleasure he was feeling.

"you know i- i kinda wish you were here-" he cut himself off by letting out a groan.

"are you okay? what was that?" i asked dumbfounded.

"i just- just hit my elbow thats all" he continued to pleasure himself, he felt his climax coming. "continue talking, baby." he threw his head back

i continued talking, feeling a little confused because he was breathing really hard and he kept on stuttering.

"kevin are you okay? you keep on stuttering and youre breathing really hard."

"yeah no im- im good. please keep talking, baby."

he felt himself release again. he let out a small whimper as the liquid gushed out of his tip.

"fuck" he let out a sigh of a relief.

"um kevin im gonna go.. ill call you back in a bit."

"oh alright. bye."

i hung up and laid in my bed confused.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now