17. morning wood

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i woke up to a smell coming from the balcony, i knew that smell all too well.

i got up from the bed and walked out to the balcony, i then saw kevin.

he was smoking a blunt.

when did he get into that? he never liked it. he always showed his hatred towards weed.

"oh shit- y/n, hey" he quickly put it out and released any excess smoke from his lungs.

"um.. you- you smoke?" i was shocked.

"um yeah.." he scratched the back of his neck.

"im sorry if the smell woke you up.. i just have to start my mornings like this."

"yeah no its okay but, i thought you despised smoking? like i dont know you made it seem like you really had a hatred towards it and anyone who smoked."

"yeah that was like three years ago y/n, i changed."

"oh alright.. ill uh im going back to sleep. sorry for bothering your sesh" i walked back inside and got back in bed.

he finished smoking and came back inside.

"kevin" i turned over to watch as he grabbed his towel and his training uniform.


"are you okay?"

he stayed silent, he ignored me and walked into the bathroom, locking the door as soon as he got in.

alright then, im not being nice to his bitchass no more.

i was sleeping again when i smelt cologne.

"you're not coming right?"

i woke up and shook my head no.

"alright then i'll be back later, bye y/n." he grabbed his backpack that had his gear and his keys then left the room.

since he had just left for practice it had to be around 8:30 or something.

i wasnt going to turn my phone back on since i knew the messages i would get from my dad.

instead i fell back asleep, and wrapped myself in his comforter.

his comforter smelt nice, it was a weird thing to say but it smelt like softener with a hint of cologne.

i woke up to the sound of a dog barking outside the bedroom door? i got up from his bed and opened the door to be met with a small french bulldog.

it was grey with blue eyes.

i knelt down and stuck my hand out gently for it to smell me.

it sniffed me and began licking my hand. i pet it and picked it up.

"i didnt know kevin had a dog?" i continued petting the dog.

i walked out the hallway and went downstairs, i thought about making myself something to eat.

i looked inside his fridge to be met with only milk, eggs and a pack of beers.

"no come o que?" i scoffed at the sight and closed the fridge.

i then walked over to the pantry and opened it.

it contained cereal boxes and seasonings along with packs of pasta.

i decided to just eat cereal.

i put the dog down and grabbed the fruit loops box and put them on the island, i then grabbed the milk from the fridge.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now