15. fuck them kids

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its been about 3 weeks since i last slept with kevin, and we're back on bad terms. diego is also not speaking to me, i don't even know what i did to him.


i was snapped out of my thoughts, i look up to see kevin.


"can you come home with me after practice is over?" he scratched the back of his neck.

"for what?"

"we need to talk"

"uh okay?"

i was thinking about what we could possibly talk about. the fact that we had sex or what?

practice came to an end and we were all gathering our stuff.

"pa can i go to diego's house?" i knew if i said kevin's house he'd say no immediately.

"okay, i'll see you later!" he smiled before walking away.

wait for everyone to leave so we could go.



i waited in the bathroom for about 10 minutes. i then walked out and waited by the entrance.

"you ready?" i looked up to see kevin.



we walked out and i got in his car, he got in and immediately sped off.

"so what do we need to talk about?"

"um y/n.." he became nervous.

"what, kevin." i started getting annoyed.

"remember when we had sex... you told me to not pull out-"

"i did?" i cut him off, trying to remember when i told him that.

"yes. but back to my point, i didnt pull out y/n."

my eyes widened. "what?!"

he stopped the car since we were at a red light.

i looked over at him, the red light being the only light inside the car.

"y/n have you been feeling sick? or like nauseous?" he looked over at me.

now that im thinking about it, i kind of have been feeling a little sick.

"a little... but i think its just from the food i ate last week."

"are you sure?"

"i think."

"i got you some tests to make sure." he reached over to the back seat and grabbed a walgreens bag.

he put the bag on my lap and began driving again.

"wha- kevin im not pregnant." i looked through the bag.

there was 3 tests, one digital, the one with the lines and the strips.

"then take the tests to make sure."
we started arguing back and forth on this whole thing, we were arguing till we came to a stop. we were at his house.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now