35. se hizo pipi

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"y/n hurry up!" the guys shouted at me from the top of the stairs.

"can you guys wait!? im literally pregnant!" i groaned as i held my belly.

i was due soon. very soon.

"we're gonna be late y/n!" santi groaned.

"just go!" kevin huffed at them.

they all took no time in sprinting down the hall and into the meeting room.

"okay we're almost there!" kevin smiled at me and then the stairs. we were not even close to "there"

"oh they made it!" everyone turned their heads to me and kevin in the doorway.


everyone started panicking because the managers were on their way to the room.

"if yall dont sit your asses down-"
diego was cut off by the door knob jiggling.

me and kevin ran to sit down in the last 2 chairs.

"oh my god this is going to be so boring." kevin sighed and threw his head back.

i was sitting and listening to my dad talk when i suddenly felt something running down my thighs.

i looked down and my eyes widened.

"kevin..." i whispered trying to get his attention.

"hm?" his focus was on my dad.

"my water broke." i pursed my lips.

"shit." he said in the loudest voice possible, making everyone turn their heads towards us.

"excuse me?" my dad looked at us concerned.

"THE BABIES ARE COMING" kevin got up and started panicking.

"LOS BEBES" chicha got up and started panicking too.

"oh shit!" piojo and alexis looked at each other with their eyes widened.

"eww SE HIZO PIPIII" diego immediately noticed my wet chair.

"no you stupid cunt, her water broke!!" ozzy smacked his forehead.

everybody was panicking since they didn't know what to do.

"todos calmados! where are the bus keys!?" memo was the only one that was calm.

"i got them!" alexis swung the keys in the air.

"okay everyone go to the bus, and kevin help me get y/n down the stairs." my dad shouted.

everyone ran out the room and made their way to the bus.

"ALEXIS, STEP ON IT" piojo yelled at alexis.

"stop putting all this pressure on me!!" alexis whined as he was speeding down the road.

piojo and alexis were yelling at each other the whole time, piojo was not a good passenger princess.

"YA CÁLLENSE." memo shouted at the duo.

me, memo, my dad, and kevin were all in the front of the bus. they were trying to calm me down and get me to breathe.

"are you having contractions!?" diego peaked his head over kevin's shoulder.

i nodded my head yes and took another deep breath. 

"diego stop being nosy! get back here!" ozzy pulled diego back into his seat.

"we almost there?" i asked

"almost!" piojo shouted back.

"let's take this time to pray for y/n, 'cause ain't no way shes gonna be okay after pushing out TWO babies." ozzy gathered alexis, piojo, & diego in a circle, and they actually began praying.

"amen!" se persinaron and sat back down.

everyone in the ER waiting room were looking at them weirdly. like if they had just performed a ritual in the middle of the room or something.

"que miran pendejos?" ozzy manspread in his chair and stared back at the elderly couple that was sitting in front of him.

the couple took no time in gathering their belongings and moving to another spot.

"pues ya? can we go see our sister?" alexis asked the doctor that had walked out the delivery room.

"uhm.. are all of you guys related to miss lozano?" the doctor looked at all the guys that were asleep in the chairs.

"uh huh!" alexis nodded his head rapidly.

"hm.. well at this moment only the partner and parents can be inside the room with her." the doctor sighed before walking away.

alexis mean mugged the doctor before going to sit back down.

"still can't believe y/n peed herself.." diego mumbled.

"diego for the last time... her water broke!" ozzy whisper-shouted.

"hm no. she peed herself." diego hummed happily and closed his eyes.

"you guys know we cant spend the night in the ER right?" memo groaned before standing up and stretching.

"yeah we cant. we'll just come see the babies and y/n tomorrow." piojo got up and yawned.

the guys all groaned before getting up from their seats and making their way to the bus.

"so have we thought on names yet?" the nurse asked me and kevin.

"well for the boy.. kevin junior." i smiled and glanced over at kevin who's face had lit up.

"and for the girl?" she asked me.

"he hasnt picked it yet." i said in a tired voice.

kevin had also gotten excited over that. since we found out we were having twins, he wanted to pick out the girl's name and have the boy named after him. i always pushed the ideas away for no reason, but ill let him have this one little thing.

"im settled on naming her isabella."

"that is a beautiful name!" the nurse smiled and then walked away.

"isabella?" i looked over at kevin with a confused expression.

"mm yeah. i really like the name. especially since we can call her isa, or bella." he smiled.

"hm well.. i guess" i shrugged.

it was a nice name. i liked it.

"now get some rest. you need it." kevin got up from his seat and kissed my forehead.


hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now