32. morning sickness

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it had been a couple weeks since me and kevin had sex, ive also been very sick lately. ive been throwing up every day, i also cant eat certain things without gagging.

i had just gotten done throwing up, and i came to lay down with kevin so the nausea could go away.

"kevin, remember the last time we had sex?" i looked over at him, he was in california right now for a game so he decided to come visit me. 

"yeah? why?"

"did you pull out in time?"

he stared at me with a blank expression on his face. "um.. yeah im sure i pulled out? why? whats up?" his tone soon changed from nonchalant to worried.

"ive been feeling really sick lately, ive been throwing up the second i wake up"

"fuck.. now that im thinking about it... i might've came inside you- just a little! i pulled out for the rest!" he started panicking.

"kevin!" i shouted. i was worried, i didnt want to be become a parent yet.

"we dont even know if you're pregnant! how long have you been feeling like this?"

"the nausea started two weeks after we did it." i held my mouth since i felt something come back up.

i got up from the bed and ran into my bathroom, i kneeled down in front of the toilet and threw up.

kevin was still on the bed dumbfounded. he was rethinking his choices. he felt stupid for not pulling out in time, and a little scared because he wasnt ready to be a father.

"ill be back." he got up from the bed and grabbed the keys to his rental car.

i sat there in front of the toilet confused, where was he going? did i do something? was it something i said?

maybe i did say something wrong, but i couldnt continue thinking about it because i kept throwing up.

"fuck.." kevin stared at the pregnancy test in his hand. he had came to the pharmacy store to buy it because he was worried and panicked. it was the first thing that came to mind after you said you felt nauseous.

he walked to the register in the lonely walgreens, only a few people were in there along with the employees.

"your total is fourteen eighty six-" the employee cut herself off after she realized who was standing in front of her. "KEVIN? AII! IM A BIG FAN" she started squealing.

"oh hi.." kevin awkwardly stood there, embarrassed. was buying a literal pregnancy test and the worker was a fan.

"oh my god... you got a girl pregnant?! awh nooo, dont tell me its y/n?!" she whined.

"um n-no.. its for um.. my friend.." he stuttered, he couldn't think of any other excuse.

"its okay, i wont tell!" she was clearly dying of excitement.

he scratched the back of his head and watched as she excitedly bagged the test.

"here you go! have a great great day kevin! wish you luck on your next game!"

he gave an awkward grin to her and walked out the store. he got into his car and sighed, he was stressed.

"holy fuck. i got her pregnant." it had finally hit him, he got you pregnant and now there was nothing he could do about it.

if you decided to keep it that was fine, he knew he'd step up and do everything he can to make you and the baby happy. he'd obviously spoil the baby too. maybe it wasn't a bad thing that you got pregnant? maybe it was. he was confused.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now