[37.] happy new years?

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"kevin!! kevin!- ISABELLA STOP" i was currently chasing after isa who got a hold of an open nail polish bottle. they really werent joking when they said toddlers are literal hell.

she giggled and continued to run around the house, "KEVIN GET YOUR DAUGHTER" i groaned.

"oh shes MY daughter, now?" he pouted then smiled at how calm junior was being. "give me junior, you can chase after isa." i took junior from kevin's arms and he sighed before running around the house.

"hurry up kevin!! we're gonna be late!" i shrieked as i realized what time it was. "what do you mean? im literally done, we're all waiting on YOU." kevin said as he combed junior's hair.

"put the kids in the car, ill be down in five." i sat on the edge of the bed so i could put on my heels. i then went to go touch up my face, fixing my makeup that was slightly creasing.

"oh my- is that isa and junior?!" alexis' face lit up and he ran towards us so he could grab both kids. "okay then.. hello to you too?" kevin went on to greet everyone.

"ah! y/n!" paula ran up and hugged me. "i havent seen you in forever" she squealed. "really though how long has it been? two years?" she let go from the hug.

"yup- since the twins were born!" i smiled remembering the last time i saw everyone.

"well sit down, everyone else should be here soon." alexis sat down with the twins on his lap. "hey, when's memo coming?" kevin asked as he munched on some hot cheetos.

"he should be here soon, he was in charge of the pozole." paula hummed. "MEMO MADE THE POZOLE??" alexis and kevin said in union. "yes..?"

"oh no." their eyes widened. "what? whats so bad about memo making the pozole?" i asked. "memo makes his pozole SPICY. we're not even exaggerating with it."

it cant be thatt bad. they're definitely just exaggerating.

we were all talking when the door opened to reveal karla and the kids. "can someone go help memo? he cant get la olla out the truck." i got up to grab the bags from karla's hands.

"hijodesuputamadre- TA FRIO" edson shivered as he opened the back door to grab a beer from the porch. "can you grab me one?" kevin asked as he was fucking up some pasta verde.

"why havent you guys grabbed any pozole yet?" emilio asked alexis and kevin, as he was serving himself some. "oh no emilio.." alexis gritted his teeth. "what? everyone else got some... yall are weird." he shook his head and went to go sit down with his bowl.

"okay everyone sit down, hurry!" paula rushed all of us to sit down. "why?" everyone sat down with their big bowls of pozole. "we're all gonna try the pozole at the same time to see if kevin and alexis are exaggerating."

alexis and kevin looked at each other. "but we're not! y/n, tell them how high my spice tolerance is!! i could eat three bags of the black hot cheetos without a problem!" kevin tried to defend himself. "my spice tolerance is also high, we are NOT exaggerating 'bout that pozole." alexis continued munching on his tamale.

"se pasan de verga... i didnt make it spicy!" memo smacked his lips. "cmon memo, you make it so spicy that our eyes start to water."

memo argued with the pair until we calmed them down. "okay ya, we'll all try the pozole." edson sat down with his bowl in front of him.

we all hummed and sat down, "okay ill go first" edson picked at the meat before taking a spoonful and trying it. he savored the caldo first before he chewed on the granas and meat.

"... hmm" he swallowed and looked at all of us. "its not even spic-" he paused for a second before his eyes started watering, he then opened his beer and began quickly drinking it.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now