12. hickeys

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"y/n hurry up! i have to pee" diego banged on the bathroom door.

"pee your pants or go to kevin's room!"

i was putting makeup onto the hickeys from last night. i was also struggling to stand up straight, my legs were extra sore from last night.

"fuck this" he huffed and i heard the door open, i then realized i forgot to lock the door.

"DIEGO" i grabbed my neck to try and hide the hickeys.

"either you get out or i pee while you're in here."

he started counting down from 10. i had no choice but to leave.

i grabbed my makeup and left the bathroom, i opened the room door and left. i then knocked on kevin's door.

"yeah? oh hi" he smiled down at me.

i looked at his neck and saw all the marks i left on him.

"i need to cover them, can i use your bathroom?" i tilted my head a bit so he could see the hickeys.

"yeah go ahead" he moved out the way so he could let me in.

i walked into his bathroom and continued covering up the dark marks he left on me.

i finished covering them up and limped out the bathroom.

"fuck" i whined as my legs felt like hammers were hitting them.

"you good?" kevin noticed my walking.

"yeah" i gave a thumbs up and opened the door.

"where are you going?" he got up and walked towards me.

"back to my room?"

"oh okay"

"kevin" i smiled.


"you got a little something on your neck." i walked out of kevin's room and went back into mine.

"shit!" kevin ran to the mirror to check his neck.

i threw myself onto diego's bed and tried closing my eyes when i remembered what he was doing last night. "ew ew ew" i quickly got up and laid down on my bed.

diego soon came out the bathroom in his training uniform. "are you coming with? orrr?" he stood there waiting for me to get up.

"not today." i rolled into the covers.
diego nodded and grabbed a few things before walking out the door.

i groaned at how sensitive my area was feeling, my legs were also killing me. i never met a guy that could make my legs sore.

well i mean it was 8 and a half inches going in me last night- ew why am i even thinking about it?

i pushed away my thoughts and decided to take advantage of this time alone i have, so i decided to take a nap.

while you were asleep, kevin was trying not to think of you. he was working out like crazy trying to get you off his mind.

"kevin are you listening to me?!" diego poked kevin.

"huh? whatd you say?" kevin slowed down the treadmill.

"i said y/n is acting funny.. whats up with you? why are you so..." diego paused to try and find the right word."... distant today?"

"just got a lot on my mind." kevin put the speed back to the highest one and continued sprinting.

kevin swore that by just hearing your name he got a boner. he looked down at his shorts and to no surprise there it was. "fuck." he mumbled. he tried to get you off his mind so it could just go away.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now