5. youre such an alcoholic

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me and my dad got to the field before everyone else, we also got onto the bus before everyone else. so that meant i got to choose any seat.

i went all the way to the back and sat down with my hello kitty blanket from when i was little.

it was around 8:30 when everyone started getting here, they all immediately got onto the bus.

diego saw me and came to sit next to me.

"hi!" he smiled

"hi diego"

he smiled again before getting on his phone.

once everyone got here my dad went and checked to make sure we werent missing anyone.

"y kevin?" my dad asked "if hes late i swear to god, le voy a partir su madre" my dad whined

soon the time was 9:30.

"we have to go!" my dad talked to everyone.

"just wait a little he'll be here." memo tried ease my dad.

and sure enough he did show up. but it looks like he had no time to do his hair because it was all messed up.

"im sorry! my alarm didnt go off i tried to get here as fast as i could!" he rushed

"dont worry about it. twenty suicides tomorrow just for you." my dad smiled at kevin and patted his back before sitting down.

kevin was stressed due to the fact he woke up late and the because he had to do 20 suicides tomorrow.
on the way to the place where they'll be doing the meeting, diego kept leaning over the seat to pull kevin's hair.

"diego, pull my hair again and i'll hit up lina."

diego immediately stopped.

who's lina and why does kevin have her number?

"whos lina?" i asked diego.

"uh.. some girl im always on and off with." diego sunk into the seat.

"oh, kevin knows her?"

"yeah they um..." he leaned into my ear.

"they used to date but kevin said it was alright for me to like.. you know?" he pulled away

"ohh right."

for some reason i got this feeling, i dont know what it was but it made me not like lina without even meeting her. does she know me and kevin had.. ?
we got to the building and i sat down in the lounging area they had while the team went and had the meeting.

i still had that feeling. i tried to shrug it off but it just wouldnt go away.

why dont i like lina? i havent even met her. i dont even know what she looks like!

then i had another thought.

should i go through kevin's following? no, thats weird.

but im curious about who this lina girl is.

i took out my phone and clicked on kevin's account. i went to his following and searched up "lina"

immediately one account came up under the username linahz2. it has to be her.

i clicked on the account to see a VERY pretty girl. a güerita with long black hair, she had green eyes too.

"fuck." i let out randomly.

i looked at her posts & stalked her highlights. she was beautiful.

"no wonder both of them wanted her."
after the meeting we went back to the bus.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now