6. memo's birthday

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i woke up in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room.

i got up and immediately started patting the bed trying to find my phone. i saw it on a nightstand and picked it up.

i checked the time first, it was 9:30 am. i then checked the battery, it was on 5% and i had several missed calls from my dad.


19 missed calls from papi💩💙

10 messages from papi💩💙

Y/n pick up your phone!
Where are you?
Pick up the phone!!😡
Seems like i still cant trust you.
Te mandas sola?
Y/n where are you!😡
Me voy a calmar. Llámame porfavor.
I trust you are with diego.
Please call me back as soon as you can!😖
i called him back immediately.

"y/n! donde estas?" my dad had a worried tone.

"estoy en la casa de kevin." i winced.

"orita voy por ti. te veo en un poco." he hung up.

i threw the phone on the bed and got up.

my head was hurting really bad and the last thing i remember is dancing with julian.

i walked out the room and went downstairs. the house was a little cleaner than it was last night but there was still tequila bottles on the counter.

"y/n youre awake. you want me to take you home?" kevin looked up from his bowl of cereal.

"my dad's picking me up.." i groaned due to the headache.

"oh.. do you need something to wear?"

i didnt feel like putting the dress back on so i nodded my head slowly.

"okay" he got up from the table and started towards his room while i followed behind him.

he opened his drawer and pulled out a black shirt and then some sweatpants.

he handed the nicely folded clothes to me and walked to the door.

"go change in the bathroom, when you're done there should be a bin for dirty clothes." he pointed to the bathroom in his room.

i walked in there and changed into the clothes, they fit me a little big but it was alright.

i put the dirty clothes into the bin and walked back into the room.

"do you need tylenol for the headache?" kevin asked from the bed

"yeah..how'd you know?" i asked while wincing from the headache.

"you were groaning really bad earlier." he grabbed some tylenol and handed it to me.

he was about to hand me his hydroflask but i had already swallowed the pill.

"oh never mind then." he closed the bottle and put it back on his dresser.

i got a call from my dad, i assumed he was here so i didnt pick up.

"my dad's here. bye kevin." i started walking to the door with my dress and heels in hand.

"oh okay, bye y/n."

i walked downstairs to the door, i opened it and made my way to my dad's pick up truck.

i shamefully got in and buckled my seatbelt, waiting for him to yell at me.

"did kevin do anything to you? did anything happen? are you okay?" my dad immediately turned to face me.

"im okay papi nothing happened. i just got a little drunk and slept over." i kept my head down.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now