23. last kiss

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today was the day i was dreading. the day i had to go back to the u.s, i didn't want to leave. but i had to go back to my job and school and all that.

"do you have to leave?" kevin watched as i packed my suitcases with a sad expression on his face.

"i have to" i mumbled.

i forgot how depressing the last day was, its been so long i forgot about the feeling of just wanting to break down and lay in bed. i wish i could just move back out here.

"i dont want you to go." kevin came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"i know, but i have to kev." i tried to not cry.

"ill try and fly out there any time i can" he rested his chin on my shoulder.

i hummed in response, the knot in my throat started to form and i felt my eyes get watery.

dont cry.

"hey kev can you- um help me take this one down?" i began zipping up my suitcase and put it down on the floor.

he nodded and grabbed the first suitcase and began taking it downstairs.

i let kevin take my things downstairs meanwhile i cleaned out my vanity, making sure i didnt leave any makeup or moisturizers behind.

i then went downstairs where i was met with the whole team.

"mi y/n/n" alexis embraced me in a hug. "te voy a extrañar" he hugged me tightly.

"y yo a ti"

soon everybody else joined in on the hug, saying theyre going to miss me and what not.

alexis pulled away from the hug, and tried to talk but it was obvious he wanted to cry.

"quiere llorar, quiere llorar!" we all made fun of him.

he did end up crying though.

"ay ya! es porque es como mi hermanita weyy. pero ya im done" he wiped his tears and calmed himself down.

"alexis has to be the most sensitive person you'll ever known" luis shook his head and stared at alexis who was still crying.

"he drank a little before this.. hes fine" piojo whispered to everyone.

we were now at the airport. was i ready to go through the gates? no. was i ready to say bye? no!

"okay lets go check you in" my dad began walking and i followed behind him.

"voy a llorar pero bien culero" chicha nodded his head with his hands on his hips.

alexis put his arm around chicha's shoulder and they both watched as i checked in my suitcases.

"stop you guys are gonna make me cry" kevin took a deep breath and looked away.

"i bet you ten bucks hes gonna get in his feelings the second she leaves." piojo whispered to alexis.


"hey guys so today i will be interviewing your guys' favorites, la selección mexicana." ozziel had his phone out with his headphones connected.

his first victim was luis.

"who are we here with?" ozziel stuck the little microphone part up to luis.

"luis chaves, everyone's favorite free kick scorer" he smiled

"so how do you feel about y/n leaving?"

"well i feel sad, im also a little glad because oof gosh, i do not want to hear them- uh no never mind um.. yeah im sad that she's leaving though." luis quickly shut himself up and sat down somewhere so he could think about all his choices that lead up to that night in paris.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now