[26.] calladita te vez mas bonita

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i leaned into kiss him.

"i need you." he groaned into the kiss.

our mouths in sync with each other. his breathing was heavy and he was obviously horny. he took no time in pulling me on top of him and taking my sports bra off to reveal my boobs.

he missed this, he missed seeing you on top of him.

i leaned down and kissed him. he pulled down his shorts and boxers, yet he didnt break away from the kiss.

i broke away from the kiss so i could pull down my shorts and panties. kevin helped me roll my shorts down, but as soon as he saw me trying to roll my panties down he shook his head no.

"what do you mean no?" i looked at him confused.

he said nothing but had a grin plastered on his face.

he then moved me onto my back and got up from the bed. he then spread my legs so he could have better access.

he move my panties to the side and slid himself in without a warning. i felt my body get hot from excitement.

i let out a moan before kevin quickly covered my mouth with his hand.

"we don't want your mom t-to know, right?" he stuttered.

i shook my head no since his hand was still over my mouth.

"asi que, calladita te vez más bonita." he thrusted into me at a fast pace, he was trying to get all 8 and a half inches inside you.

he was so sex deprived, he was whimpering softly as he slid in and out. he wanted to fuck you till you gave out.

"y/n." he let out a dragged breath.

the room was filled with the sounds of hard breathing and the faint sounds of clapping.

he started pressing down on my lower stomach like he always does, it felt so good. he's the first person who's ever done that.

i was starting to tear up from how good it felt, the tears started to flow down my cheeks and onto kevin's hand.

"oh shit, are you okay?" he slowed down and took his hand off my mouth.

"im good, keep going." i caught my breath and watched as he sped back up.

i had my hand over my mouth so i could control my moans, it was hard trying to stay quiet when he was making me feel so good.

his soft whimpers, his sex face, his hard breathing, all of it was making me get wetter by the second.

"fuckk y/n." he furrowed his eyebrows. i noticed how his hair was all wet from how much he was sweating.

"kevin" i let out a quiet moan.

i felt myself getting close, kevin was also close. his thrusts were starting to get faster but sloppier. he was chasing after his high.

"y/n..." he brought one of my legs up to his shoulder and held onto my hip with his hand.

"so wet." he smiled at the way his dick was easily sliding in and out of you.

"more" i arched my back, trying to feel more of him.

"what else am i supposed to do?" he slowed down a bit.

"anything- please. more." i begged. i wanted to feel more, it didn't matter what it was, i just wanted more.

he started to rub my clit and sped back up. i felt myself reach my climax, i couldnt control it. so i came without letting him know.

"fuck!" he did one last thrust before pulling out and coming all over my stomach.

kevin has a new habit of not using protection. i stay on the pill for that reason, but he still buys me plan b anyway.

he laid down next to me as we tried catching our breaths.

"forgot how good you were" i smiled as i wiped my tears.

he chuckled and turned to look at me.

"i always thought you were the most beautiful girl i ever seen."

i smiled and turned to look at him. "really?"

"ever since i first saw you." he gave a wistful smile.

"thats nice" i grinned and got up from the bed.

"where you going?" he lifted himself up on his elbows.

"to go shower..? wanna come?" i smirked.

he immediately got up from the bed and came behind me.

"no funny business though." i smiled and walked into my connected bathroom.

"kevin stop throwing the fucking bubbles!" i got mad at the fact that he kept throwing the bubbles from the loofah at me.

"sorry." he immediately stopped and continued scrubbing his body.

"kevin, shut up!" i giggled.

i was giggling at how ugly kevin laughs. he was laughing at literally nothing. he started laughing out of nowhere and it somehow got to me.

"you're so loud, kevin." i covered my mouth to muffle out my laugh.

he said nothing and continued to die of laughter.

"y/n! ya cállense! no dejan dormir!"  my mom barged in through my door.

"sorry ma'am." kevin cleared his throat and pulled the blanket over himself.

"no messing around, alright?" my mom said in a serious tone.

"uh huh... can you leave now?" i sat in my bed awkwardly.

"buenas noches." she held onto her robe and closed my door.

"you know she asked if we've had 'intimacy yet' while she was driving me over here." he whispered.

"oh my god no way.." i covered my face out of embarrassment. "what'd you say?" i looked over at him.

"i said no, that we've never done anything before." he chuckled.

"okay good." i sighed out of relief.

a/n: sorry for the cliffhanger on the last chapter lol😛

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now