18. shower

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i looked away from the screen to see kevin standing in the doorway.

"kevin? isnt there like thirty more minutes of practice left?"

"i need to talk to you"

"about what?"

he gave me the look.

"ohh... look i didn't think anyone would be that weird and recognize your hand. im sorry."

he dropped his bag which made the dog get out the comforter and walk to the edge of the bed.

"oh hey toby" kevin picked up the dog.

"oh thats his name"

"yeah, named him after toby maguire" he pet the dog.

"when did you get a dog?"

"like... a couple months ago"

"oh, i like him, he sleeps a lot"

"yeah also who said he could sleep on my bed?" he said sarcastically

"i did" i smiled

"and who gave you permission to bring the dog on the bed?" he chuckled

"i did duh"

"you're so annoying" he shook his head

"shut up you love me"

"howd you know?" he tilted his head to the side

we held eye contact till he smiled.

"still gotta talk to you"

"im sorry kevin" i whined

"you're good y/n, just please put it on a close friends or something next time. alexis wouldnt leave me alone about it all day" he threw his head back and groaned

"i know.. i woke up to messages from alexis,santi, edson- and even la seleccion responded to the story!"

he smiled and held eye contact again.

i like the way he looks after practice, the messy hair and sweat droplets make him look so fine.

"you keep staring at me, you gotta stop that"

"sorry.." i mumbled and looked away.

"my dad is threatening me"

"what- why?"

"because i lied to him and he said i need to be home before twelve or else im getting sent back home" i sighed

"you want me to take you home right now?"

i shook my head no.

"okay well im going to go take a shower i'll be back.

"wanna get in with me?" he grinned

"no. no thanks, bye go shower"

he chuckled and went into the bathroom, i didnt hear the door lock though. i then heard the water start running.

i got into the bed and continued watching barbie.

i was getting bored and had nothing to do.

i then remembered kevin's offer.

i got up and quietly opened the bathroom door. i started taking my clothes off and quietly got into the shower with him.

"oh shit- y/n why are you here?" he jumped when he saw me.

"i need to shower" i shrugged.

"uh huh"

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now