[19.] 10 rounds

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its been two weeks since i took the pregnancy tests, diego is talking to me again & kevin and i have been texting non stop. we mostly flirt but we talk about other things too.

me santi, diego, edson, julian, ozzy, kevin, alexis, jorge, emilio, piojo and luis were all on our way to a club since it was the weekend and why not?

"y/n and kevin sitting in a tree k i s s-" alexis tried to sign but i punched his shoulder.


"can you guys please just shut up! id never date y/n even if she was the last person on earth" kevin whined

"well your hand on her thigh says otherwise" alexis eyed the way kevin's hand was slightly touching my thigh.

"alright and that's what we call reaching." i scoffed.

"are we almost there?!" i shouted at diego.


me and kevin decided to match today, he was wearing a red pro club shirt and i was wearing a short red dress with my white opened toed sparkly heels.

as soon as we got to the club we all started drinking and breaking off into little groups.

me and kevin were alone in a corner making out, we were very drunk and just out of it.

"kevin" i breathed out as he was giving me hickeys.

"hm?" he tilted my head up with his hand and continued sucking on my neck.

"kevin they're gonna-"

"they're gonna what?" he brought his faced back up to be met with mine.

"nothing." i smashed my lips into his.

i dug my face into his neck, giving him some hickeys as well, just for funsies.

"y/n we should go back" he gripped my waist.

"mh wait" i gave him one last hickey then stopped.

"okay, lets go" i smiled at what i did.

i made my initial with hickeys, that way bitches know not to try anything with MY man. even though he isnt my man but still.

"ah y/n they're gonna yell at me" he pulled out his phone camera and looked at his neck.

"just say you hate me"

"no no its okay, i like the way you made your initial... its uh different!" he smiled.

"right" i began walking away when he caught up to me and held my hand.

"lets go get some drinks" he pulled me to the bar.

we got our drinks, it was just pure alcohol.

we were way too fucked up, we couldnt even walk straight.

the lights from the club were making me dizzy, i was giggling for no reason too.

"míralos" piojo nudged alexis.

"ay no... look at their necks.."

"gosh kevin is such a bad liar.. 'id never date y/n even if she was the last person on earth' my ass" alexis shook his head.

"yup three hundred right now" piojo put his hand out.

alexis groaned and took out his wallet, he took out 3, 100 dollar bills.

"cant wait to use these when we go to california" piojo smiled at the money in his hands.

"bye guys!" me and kevin got off diego's truck.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now