20. confessing

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"kevin i seriously cant walk" i groaned at how painful taking steps was.

"werent you the one who said to fuck you till you couldn't walk?" he chuckled.

"i was just saying shit out my ass.." i whined since i could barley get out of the room.

"hmm no you sounded pretty serious." he grabbed my hands and tried to help me walk.

"ow" i whined

"here just," he turned around and bent down. "get on"

"kevin no, what if im too heavy"

"never say that, now get on"

i huffed and got on his back. i clung my arms around his neck and had him carry me to the kitchen.

"que quiere comer la princesa?" he set me down on the stool in the kitchen.



"here you go" he stood next to me and placed my bowl down on the island.

"thank you" i smiled at him.


"hm?" he held eye contact with me

"we really have to go food shopping."


"your fridge and pantry gave me depression just by looking at it.

"whats that supposed to mean?!"

"it means you have no food and its sad"

"we'll go tomorrow, when you're done being crippled." he chuckled at the last word.

"youre so hilarious oh my god" i gave him a serious face.

"i know right! i can make you laugh and squi-"

i cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth.

"no. just shut up." i shook my head

"im very proud of myself y/n, let me be great for once"

"no. i will never let you be great."

i finished eating my cereal and tried to put my bowl in the sink but i couldnt stand up straight.

"kevin help" i called out for him.

"what do you want"

"alright never mind fuck you then" i scoffed and tried to walk over to the sink.

"no no wait, give it" he snatched the bowl out my hand and put it in the sink for me.

"wanna go back to my room and go to sleep again?"


he gave me a piggy back ride up to his room.

"hurry up toby" he waited for the dog to get in before shutting the door.

he laid me down on the bed before getting under the covers with me.

instead of taking a nap like we had originally planned for, we started talking about random memories from when we were younger i was laying on his chest with his arm wrapped around me.

"i remember when you were practicing with us and you bent your ankle trying to walk on the concrete"

"i remember when you had a crush on camilla the receptionist" i snickered

"dude oh my god no tell me why she actually tried hitting on me when i turned eighteen. i was literally only ten hours into being eighteen and she tried flirting with me"

"thirteen year old you would've been screaming"

we continued talking for a while till he cleared his throat.



"do you remember anything from last night?"

"i remember going about ten rounds"

"do you remember like anything before that?"

"um just the club... i dont know i got fucked up last night i dont even remember us getting dropped off"

"oh, so you don't remember me smoking or anything last night?" he was trying to see if i remembered him confessing.

"uh no?"

"fuck." he mumbled under his breath.

kevin didn't know you were THAT drunk, he thought maybe you remembered the fact that he told you the way he felt, just so he didnt have to do it the morning after, yet here we are.

"so um last night i told you a little something.."

"aboutt?" i dragged out the 'T'

"i uh" he felt so awkward telling you, because what if you didnt mean it? what if you were just talking out of your ass last night?


"i told you something about feelings.?" he hoped that sparked a memory.

i smiled as i remembered last night, i wanted to hear him say it again.

"confused" i wasn't confused, i deeply wanted to hear him say it again.

"y/n i like you- not even like, i love you, i always have. nobody compares to you, only you understand me thats why i love you. y/n i know thats a lot to hear but i just really needed to get it off my chest and since you weren't sober enough to remember i told you last night, i had to tell you now." he sighed out of relief.

"kevin, i remember i just wanted to hear it again" i smiled at him.

he smiled at me and held eye contact.

a/n: im sorry the chapter is so short💔

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now