2.wanna talk about it?

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i was with diego sitting down on the grass while he stretched. i couldnt stop looking at kevin and thinking about what he said.

"y/n!" diego nudged me

"what?" i looked over at him.

"you keep staring at kevin, its weird" he continued stretching.

"sorry. i just dont know why he said that. did he get into more details about what 'happened' between us?"

"nah he got a call before he got into more" diego shrugged.

"ohh" i looked down.

i was walking back inside to the cafeteria with diego. we were talking shit about some people we dont like, and laughing at how ugly kevin gets when hes concentrated.

"he does this thing like when he's concentrated, he bites his lip and licks his lips more often. i dont know why" diego shrugged.

i laughed and went to go sit down at a table with alexis and chucky.

"hi" everyone looked at me pull the chair out.


"why are you here? go sit somewhere else" kevin looked at me up and down.

"i sit wherever i wanna sit" i scoffed.

diego soon came to sit down with me.

"diego" kevin started laughing

"what? whatd i do?" he looked confused.

"why are you sitting next to her, you want her or something?" kevin smiled

"no? i just want to talk with her." diego scoffed

"rightt" kevin glared at me.

"youre so weird kevin." i raised my eyebrow at him.

"uh huh. y/n can you come help me with something" kevin got up from his seat.

"why? why not make alexis help you" i turned to face diego.

"yeah but i need your help specifically."

"fine. ill be back"

i got up from my seat and followed kevin to the storage room.

"what do you need help with?" i looked around the room.

"nothing i just wanted to talk to you." he messed his hair up.


"because you keep calling me weird as if i wont tell everyone what we did that night" he smiled

"kevin are you still on that!? we literally promised to never speak about it!" i pushed him making him stumble backwards.

"no no, YOU promised to never speak about it. i never promised shit"

"youre such an asshole." i scoffed.

"you weren't thinking that while you were screaming my name" he chuckled.

"kevin! its been a year, just fucking drop it already!" i tried opening the door but it wouldnt budge.

"you need a key to open it." kevin flashed the key in his hand.

"give it" i tried snatching it

"nope." he put it in his pocket.

"cmon kevin" i stomped my foot

he shook his head no and got on his phone.

"kevin just open the door!" i huffed

"no can do...unless you do something for me" he shrugged.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now