16. netflix without the chill

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"wanna watch a movie?"

i nodded and got comfortable in his bed.

"here, you pick" he got into the bed with me and handed me the remote.

i went onto netflix and put on 'we're the millers'

"this movie is so stupid" kevin put his arm around me.

"no it isnt.." i snuggled into him.

"it's literally about a white guy smuggling weed over the border with his fake family, how is that not stupid?" he looked down at me.

"shut up and watch the movie."

he listened to what i said and put his attention onto the tv.


kevin tried waking you up but you were knocked out.

nobody knew you havent been getting sleep, you stayed up most nights wondering what you did to diego.

kevin looked at you, admiring your face. he seemed to notice things he never noticed before. like the small lunar you had right above your lip, he also finally noticed your nose piercing too.

kevin dug his head into your neck since he started to feel sleepy as well, he closed his eyes so they could 'rest'

he ended up falling asleep.


"oh hey diego?" my dad opened the door to see diego standing there.

"is y/n here? i have to talk to her." diego looked down at his feet.

"uh no- i thought she was with you? she asked me if she could go to your house after practice was over?"

"she didnt come home with me.."

"um.. so who is she with?"

"i dont know?"

"im sorry diego can you come back later?"

"yeah thats fine."

diego walked back to his car.

there was only one other place you couldve been.

he got inside his car and immediately started speeding there.

diego got to kevin's house, he opened the front door with the spare key that was given to him.

he sprinted up the stairs and into kevin's room.

he barged through the door making me and kevin wake up startled.

"oh wow" diego shook his head at the sight in front of him.

"diego why are you here." kevin got up from the bed.

"my question is, why is y/n here?"

diego's eyes scanned the room, he saw something on the floor.

"i needed to talk to someone." i got up from the bed.

diego walked to the white stick he saw on the floor.

his eyes widened as he realized what it was.

"are you serious?!" he picked up the pregnancy test and looked at both of us.

"thats not mine.. kevin you're gross." i tried playing it off.

"creen que soy tonto?"

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now