27. bitches be bonkers

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"kevin, your phone keeps fucking buzzing." i nudged a knocked out kevin.

his phone kept on buzzing and it woke me up, yet he was still sound asleep.

i got tired of it and grabbed his phone to put it on do not disturb, but was met with messages that made my stomach drop. i scrolled through his notifications with multiple messages.

@liinahz2:kevin i miss you.

@liinahz2:you cant tell me you dont miss me either.

@liinahz2:your gf doesnt have tk and neither does diego.

@liinahz2:i know you miss me kevin.

@liinahz2:kevin please. can we just talk again?

@liinahz2:you told me you missed me too.

@liinahz2: kevin please, you told me last month we'd meet up and talk about us.


@liinahz2: wtf you cant
answer your phone?

what the fuck.?

"kevin wake up!" i nudged him hard which woke him up.

"whats wrong?" he looked around confused.

"what the fuck?" i showed him all the messages on his phone.

"fuck" he mumbled.

"seriously?" i got up from the bed.

"no no, y/n. its not like that!" he opened lina's messages and started scrolling through them.

"the fuck does she mean by 'you told me you missed me too', kevin!?"

"this bitch." he ran a hand through his hair.

"kevin, im talking to you! no me vez o que?!"

"y/n, no wait! its not like that!"

"really kevin? its not like that? she's quite literally begging to get back with you!"

"dude oh my god!" he was stressing.

"you guys said you'd talk about 'us'? kevin what is wrong with you?!" i shouted at kevin. i was mad and a little heartbroken.

"fuck! y/n, no let me explain! please?!" he got up from the bed and tried to grab my hand but i snatched it before he could.

"explain what? that you were gonna meet up with your ex, aka your best friend's GIRLFRIEND, so you guys could talk things out?" i pushed him away from me.

"please y/n, it wasnt like that! shes twisting my words!!" he was trying to make things right but was failing in the process.

"oh? so you said something along those lines? good to know." i crossed my arms and scoffed.

"please y/n it wasnt like that!"

*kevin's pov*

i was at diego's house, chilling on his couch when suddenly lina came and sat next to me.

"hey?" i looked at her weird and scooted away.

"hey." she smiled flirtatiously.

"where's diego?"

"he went to the store he'll be back in a bit."

"okaaay... so what do you want?" i continued to scoot away till i hit the end of the couch.

"i wanna talk to you." she gave me puppy eyes.

"about?" i looked at her weirdly.

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now