[14.] the morning

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it was around 4 am and we were all still partying, of course most of us were either drunk or tipsy.

i was absolutely fucked up. taking shot after shot and drinking half a bottle was not a good idea.

"kevin lets goo" i stumbled over to kevin who was a little drunk but sober enough to think straight.

"go where?"

"my room" i slurred

"no, why do you want me to go to your room y/n." he stumbled.

"cmonn kevin" i giggled.

"no, go dance with diego or something "he snatched his arm back.

"i wanna dance with youu" i pouted

he shook his head.

after a while of annoying him he finally gave in.

i pulled him to the dance floor and started dancing with him.

i didnt know kevin knew how to dance, and he dances really good.

the song came to an end and i started being all clingy with him, why? i have no idea.

"y esos dos que?" a drunk alexis pointed at me and kevin.

"i bet you a hundred bucks she's going to date kevin." piojo slurred.

"alright then, if she ends up dating diego i want two hundred."

alexis and piojo drunkenly shook hands.

4 am soon turned into, 5 then 6. and now it was almost 7 am and we were all barley going back up to our rooms.

i was struggling to walk straight when diego came up to me.

"hi diego"

"you're not sleeping in the room tonight. so just go and sleep somewhere else, i dont care who's room you sleep in at this point as long as it isnt mine."  diego then walked away.

"what did i do?" i stood there questioning myself.

what did i do?

i didnt even know where i was going to sleep tonight.


"hm?" he was opening his room door.

"can i sleep with you tonight? diego told me i cant sleep in OUR room tonight." i rubbed my eyes hazily.


we walked into the room and i slipped my shoes off and jumped onto the first bed.

"here, change" he threw some clothes at me.

i got up from the bed and started getting undressed.

"woah, i didnt mean right here"

"youve seen me fully naked lets not" i giggled and put on his clothes.

"next game,you're going to wear my jersey. got it?" kevin threw diego's jersey somewhere in the room.

"mhm" i laid in the bed.

"thats my bed y/n"


"so you're not going to care if i slept next to you?"


he took off his shirt and got in next to me.

"hi kevin" i turned to face him.

"hi y/n" he gazed into my eyes.

"hey kevin"

"heyy y/n"

hasta la muerte, kevin alvarezWhere stories live. Discover now