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Maya's POV

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Maya's POV

"I'm not a very private school girly" I said sarcastically to my dad and his girlfriend as we ate dinner "we know it's different but it's a very good opportunity for you. You go to a private school with high education and you get into a very promising university"

That is a very good thing but private schools are definitely not my thing.

"I don't know dad" I said taking a bite of my food "think about it. It'll help you have a better future. You're so smart, you should take advantage of that" he said.

He's right, I am very smart.

"I'll think about it" I finished dinner and went upstairs to my room. I brushed my teeth then laid in bed just scrolling on my phone until I fall asleep.

Then I heard a knock on the door. I sat up and saw my dad's girlfriend who opened the door slightly "can I come in?" I nodded my head and turned my phone off.

"What's up?" I asked resting back on my headboard "I wanted to talk to you about the private school thing" I rolled my eyes at what she said "that again"

"Why don't you wanna go? What's getting in the way of that?" She asked sitting on the edge of my bed "private schools are full of rich judgmental annoying people who think they're above everything and everyone. I can't bare with that"

"They aren't all that bad" she said and I laughed nodding "yeah right" I said sarcastically "they really aren't and you're you, you're a very likable person. You're social, funny and smart. You'll get along with them very well and they don't matter that much, you're going there to get amazing grades to ensure a bright future for yourself"

She does have a point.

Not the whole school has to be my friend. Two or three people to hang out with during school hours is what I want, doesn't have to be more. I already have my friends.

And I've read about this private school, they do ensure a good future.

Okay I don't want to leave my friends, that's mostly the reason I don't want to go.

But my mom would want me to go to this school. She'll want me to do what's best for my education.

My mom was- still is my role model. She's so smart and a very good decision maker. If she was here with me, she would've convinced me to go to the private school so easily.

God I miss her.

"I'll do it" for my mom "You won't regret it"


"Senior year without you is gonna suck so bad" my bestfriend Gabrielle said. We were at her place with a few of our close friends. Just drinking and smoking a bit since tomorrow is the first day of senior year, the year I'm going to be at that private school without my friends.

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