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Maya's POV

"What what?" I said into the phone annoyed at the fact that a phone call woke me up on a Saturday morning. I want to sleep.

"Good morning to you too" I smiled slightly when I heard Evelyn's voice but kept my eyes closed "hey" I said, my voice a bit raspy since I literally just woke up.

"You sound hot" I laughed at what she said "thanks"

"Not that i don't like that you called me but do you need anything?" I asked sitting up against the headboard "you gonna do anything now?" She asked and I shook my head "I was planning on sleeping so no"

"Come over. No one is home so I'll ask our cook to make us some breakfast" she said making me smile even wider "and I'm gonna workout so you can see how sexy I look" I laughed at what she said and nodded "send me the address. I'll be there in a bit"


"Hey" Evelyn said as she opened the door for me. I smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck to pull me into a hug. I placed a kiss on her cheek and hugged her back.

"You look good" she said after pulling back from the hug "you look good as well" I said not able to stop myself from smiling widely at her.

Evelyn smiled and took my hand in hers, leading me inside of her house "Kali, when breakfast is done, can you put it outside please?" She asked looking at the maid "of course Miss Clark"

"Thank you" Evelyn said with the sweetest tone ever "your house is huge" I said and she laughed, turning to look at me as she kept walking "it is but I like your house better" I laughed and gave her a confused look "why?"

"I like the vibe of it" she said biting her lip "and you like my dad" I said making her laugh and shrug "you said it"

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes. She stopped in her tracks and stood on the tip of her toes with her hands placed on the sides of my neck "oh are you jealous?" She asked teasingly "no I'm not"

"Good because you have nothing to be jealous of. You're still my favorite" she looked down at my lips as I placed my hands on her waist "oh yeah?" She hummed and nodded her head, leaning in to place a soft kiss on my lips but we were interrupted.

"Evelyn" we both looked at the person who called her to see her dad. I cleared my throat and stepped away from Evelyn, looking down at the ground.

"Give me a second" Evelyn said and I nodded my head, looking at the principal who gave me the most judgmental look ever before walking with Evelyn to the other room to talk.

I waited for a bit then I heard Evelyn "I don't care dad, I don't care" she repeated as her dad followed her but she just walked faster towards me.

I could never say that to my dad in that tone. Damn.

"Come on" she held my hand and pulled me outside to expose a very big pool with the most beautiful flowers around. It looks like the movies.

"Everything okay?" I asked Evelyn seeing that her whole mood changed "yeah don't worry about it" she said forcing a smile on her face.

I decided to just let it slide and not pressure her on saying anything she doesn't want to say.

After a bit, the food was done so we sat down to eat "do you eat this shit everyday? I go downstairs and eat dry ass cereal straight from the box" I said making her laugh "that sounds good honestly"

Hanging out with her like this is actually so fun. We started off on the wrong foot but I'm glad everything is good right now.

She's pretty and really smart. Sure, she's kind of a bitch with really bad attitude and extreme mood swings but that turns me on.

I like my girls with attitude.

Not that I want her to be my girl or anything- oh who am I kidding, I like her cute ass for some reason.

The sex is amazing yeah but it's not that, it's something else that I am so clueless about. Why her though?

Like Noel is such a nice and cute girl, Cindy is confident and pretty but I chose to be attracted to the girl who's the daughter of the principal and who's in a relationship with the shittiest man on earth.

But Evelyn is just different.

She's so unbelievably beautiful. Her big beautiful hazel eyes that can get me to do anything for her, her very pretty kissable lips that I cannot resist no matter what, her cute little nose, her bright smile that makes my day so much better in an instant and her perfect side profile. Just everything about her.

And other than that, I like that she's smart and cares about her future. I like that she's really rude to anyone until you get to know her because my jealousy issues will not be able to take it if she was nice to everyone. I like the little things she does like playing around with her necklace or biting down on her lip when she's nervous, I think it's cute.

I am so down bad.

I just know it's going to hurt so much because either way, it'll hurt.

If I get into a relationship with her we'll probably have to hide it because of her 'public' relationship with Charles and her dad that already hates me.

And if we don't get together and just keep messing around, it'll hurt me because she can go mess around with anyone else and that'll feel like a stab in the heart.

So there isn't a single win in this situation.

It's whatever.

Yeah no it's not whatever. I'm just trying to fool myself about it so I don't hurt myself too much before anything happens.

"Veve!" We looked towards the person who said that to see a little girl running towards us. A big smile formed on Evelyn's face as she stood up, hugging the little girl tightly and carrying her in her arms.

"How is my favorite girl doing?" Evelyn said to the girl as I watched them with a smile "so good. Mommy got me new cars" the girl said showing Evelyn one of the tiny cute cars she got.

Then the girl looked at me "who's this?" Evelyn put the girl down and I went towards her, crouching down to her level "I'm her friend. Maya" I said and she smiled "I'm Elsie"

"Very nice to meet you Elsie. Your hair looks so good" I said making her smile widely "I wanted to get two braids like Anna from frozen but Erika doesn't know how to braid hair" she said touching her hair "I can braid it for you" I said making her eyes light up.

"Really?" I nodded my head "of course. My mom taught me how to braid"

"Can we do it now?" She asked excitedly. I looked at Evelyn who was still smiling "finish up with her, you'll find me in the gym. Elsie will bring you there" I stood up and Elsie held my hand "I'm gonna show you my room"

"Good luck" Evelyn said laughing as she walked away "Let's go"


"Veve look at my hair" Evelyn took her headphones off, placing them on her neck. She was panting as sweat ran down her body, defining her sexy abs even more.

"It looks so pretty" she said to Elsie who was so happy "I have a play date now. Bye" Elsie said kissing Evelyn cheek then came towards me "kiss" i crouched down and she placed a small kiss on my cheek making me smile. She's so cute.

Elsie left the gym and I looked over at Evelyn who was smiling "she likes you. No one ever gets a cheek kiss, not even my parents" I smiled and shrugged "what can I say? Kids like me"

She just smiled and went back to her workout "at least do the exercise facing me. Your ass is turning me on" she was wearing tight shorts and a sports bra. I'm trying not to die from how hot she looks.

I heard a cute little laugh from her as she turned to face me. She was doing something with some weights. I don't know what, I hate anything related to the gym and working out.

"Yeah never mind. Your tits are just wow" she laughed and shook her head in disbelief "keep it in your pants"

"How?! You're like the hottest person alive" I said making her laugh "entertain me until I finish my workout and if you do, I'll give you head"

"Sounds pretty fair to me"

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