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Maya's POV

"Maya. Me and your dad are going out for dinner.." Linda opened the door to my room but I didn't look towards her and kept looking at the ceiling with Crunch sleeping on my chest "..are you okay?" She asked me.

I hummed and pet Crunch's head gently "are you sure? We haven't seen that girl of yours around much" I closed my eyes at the mention of Evelyn, already feeling overwhelmed.

She haven't texted me after the fight we had yesterday and I'm fighting every cell in my body to not text her first which has been very hard.

"Is everything okay between you two?" I sighed loudly and placed Crunch on the bed next to me then sat up "for fuck's sake Linda, stop doing this shit. You're trying so hard to be my mom and I've made it very clear that you can't replace her"

"I didn't mean to intrude. I'm just trying to make sure you're okay-" I cut her off "don't. I don't want you to make sure I'm okay"

She frowned and nodded "okay I'm sorry" she left my room and I placed my hands on my face, feeling my heart beating fast and my face burning up. I'm pissed and sad and overwhelmed, I'm fucking miserable.

Then my bedroom door swung open and I looked up to see my dad walk into my room "what did you say to Linda?!" He yelled at me "nothing"

"John this is unnecessary" Linda said but my dad made her step out the room and closed the door. I stood up and fixed my shirt "you have to stop doing this shit. You lash out on Linda and keep mentioning your mother. I know you miss and I miss her every second of the day but you can't punish Linda for it"

"Oh you really miss her? Cause last week, on her birthday you didn't even fucking mention her and I'm so sure you didn't visit her because I've been there for as long as I can and I didn't see you there. That's a lot of missing you're doing" I sarcastically said.

He stepped closer to me "what? You know I'm fucking right. You don't give a shit about mom-" he held my chin roughly "don't talk to me like that, Maya. Your mother is dead, she's fucking dead. What's the point of grieving and giving up on my fucking life like you are?! She is not here anymore. It doesn't matter if we celebrate her birthday or not because she's not fucking here!"

"I mean you barely remembered her birthday when she was alive so why do you care so much now when it's not fucking important?!"

I let out a small sob which made his eyes soften and made him remove his hand from my chin "that's not fair dad, it's not fair for you to say that" I said before taking my phone and leaving my room.

I walked past Linda and went outside, walking down the street. No where specific, just away from home for now.

I kept walking and walking until I was at some street with no one around. I sat down on the side of the road and kept crying a little as I unlocked my phone and called Evelyn.

I waited for her to answer but she didn't.

I placed my phone down beside me and covered my face with my hands as I cried a little bit more.

I know I haven't been the best daughter.

I know I misbehaved a lot.

I know I frustrated my mom a lot.

I know I forgot about her birthday a few times because I'm really bad at remembering birthdays.

I know I sucked as a fucking daughter and that I'm really hard to deal with.

I know all of those things but it's not fair for him to throw this in my face when he knows how badly I'm still affected by my mother's death.

I misbehaved but I'd like to know that my mom passed away while she was loving me and not thinking that I was a burden to her or a fucking mistake.

I'm pretty sure I've done things that made my mom really happy. She did tell me that she loved me very often and I would have a lot of fun hanging out with her. She was my best friend and my dad knew that.

When I would have relationship problems I would go to my mom because she gives the best advice but she's not here anymore and I feel like I have no one to talk to about these things anymore.

If I'm upset, I would go to Evelyn but now we're fighting and I don't know who to talk to because obviously my dad isn't an option and i don't know how to talk about these things with my friends because I feel pathetic when I do.


"You called me yesterday. Is everything okay?" I nodded my head and closed my locker "it was by accident"

"Are you still mad?" She asked and I finally looked into her eyes "you told me you had feelings for someone else, who's also the worst person in the entire world so yes, I'm still mad"

"It just feels like you like being with me because of the sneaking around. You like when we have to be quiet when we're fucking, you like when we sneak kisses here and there when no one is looking. It turns you on and that's it. It feels like I'm just some game to you"

"You're not some game" she said frowning her eyebrows "it feels like it. I haven't even gotten an apology from you and I think I deserve one for all the bullshit that happened"

"Can we talk later please?" She asked later with pleading cute ass eyes "oh sorry, I'll have to check my schedule to see if I'm free for one phone call" I said before walking away from her.

It was a little petty that I said that but I really needed her yesterday and she couldn't even answer her phone because she was at some event with Charles that i totally forgot about but all I needed was a minute just to hear her voice and I didn't get that.

I slept upset, I cried alone, my dad ignored my existence and the only person that could've made me feel better was Evelyn and she didn't even text me.

I had a great day yesterday.

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