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Maya's POV

I was playing football with my little cousin when they called us in for lunch. I ran towards her, carried her and put her over my shoulder which made her giggle cutely "put me down!" She whined still laughing "no no. We'll eat then play"

I went to the dining room, put her down and looked up at my dad "I wanna talk to you" he said and I looked over at Linda who smiled at me and nodded which means hopefully we'll make up.

I doubt it.

We went to an empty room and he sat down on the edge of the bed as I stayed standing up "what the fuck is up with your grades?" He asked making me roll my eyes at the tone "I fucked up, I know that"

I tried my best but those were the grades I got. I can't use that argument with my dad though because he does not care.

"Is it because of that little girlfriend of yours-" I cut him off before he said anything "fuck no. She got amazing grades, it's on me"

"Don't fucking cuss at me" he said standing up and getting closer to me. I swallowed nervously and looked away from his eyes.

Sometimes I defend myself against him but he still scares the living fuck out of me.

"Studying is not a fucking game. Take it seriously and instead of messing around with your girlfriend, fucking focus on school" oh my fucking god.

He does know it's not because of her, right?

"It's not her, okay? She didn't do anything. She was the one that made me study when I wanted to hang out with her. Without her, I wouldn't have passed anything" I said trying to be as calm as possible so he doesn't snap at me for talking to him rudely.

"You're a fucking stubborn girl huh?" I'm literally having a conversation right now????

He literally just walked past me and left the room. What even just happened?

I walked out of the room and took my phone to check if there were any texts from Evelyn but there wasn't.

She was hanging out with her friends. Including Malakai.


Where are youuuu
I miss youuuuu

I'm clingy, she's clingy, we're perfect for each other.


I'm going to go absolutely insane.

Evelyn and I barely texted today and when I called her, she told me that she can't talk.

And my dad and I talked again, he ended up yelling at me and almost hitting me but Linda came to the room before he did anything too much.

He held me by my clothes and pushed me on the wall but it's nothing compared to what he used to do.

Linda yelled at him though. She didn't like how she saw me pressed on the wall like that. I appreciate Linda more than anything.

The conversation with my dad was weird and twisted. It started off okay but then he started reminding me of my mom and how she's not here anymore but it was in such an aggressive manner that it triggered me and made me raise my voice at him so he did what he did.

I really wanted to talk to Evelyn. She makes me feel so much better about everything.

I know I'm very codependent in the emotional side but I can't help it. I don't know what to do about it either.


Can you call me?

I'm out rn

Oh okay
Text me when you get back home?

I will
Love u

Are you mad at me?
Did I do something?

Why are you asking that

Idk doesn't matter
I love you <3

I am so stressed right now.

She's texting me in a way I don't like at all.

I feel like she's either mad at me or just losing feelings for me which is my biggest fear ever.

I love her so much.

"You okay?" I lifted my head up and looked at Linda who just walked into the living room. I sat up since I was laying down on the couch because they were asleep in the room and I didn't want to just lay in bed, feeling depressed and letting my thoughts sink in even more.

Linda sat beside me "is it your dad? Because I talked to him and made sure he knows what he did was wrong-" I cut her off and shook my head "it's not that, it's Evelyn"

"And what about her?" She asked. I placed my elbows on my thighs and scratched the back of my neck "I think she's losing feelings for me" I said feeling choked up when I said that out loud.

"Why?" She asked, sounding more sad now "there is this guy Malakai, he's like the perfect man and as Evelyn said.. he's also very very funny. She's hanging out with him almost everyday now, with other friends too but the way she's texting me makes me anxious. Maybe it's just because I haven't seen her for so long"

We stayed quiet for a bit "how about you go to her?" I looked at Linda and sat properly "take the keys to your dad's car and go to her. I'll tell your dad tomorrow and I'll let him know so I can calm him down before you get back"

"Wait really?" I asked smiling at her. She nodded and squeezed my shoulder "yes go but please be careful, I know you're responsible and careful enough to drive a few hours on your own" I hugged her tightly "I'll be soooo careful. Thank you so much" I said standing up and going to take the car keys from the table.

I started putting my shoes on, took my phone and a jacket then went towards the door "love you, bye" I said to Linda before leaving and going into the car.

I need to see Evelyn before I go fucking insane.

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