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Evelyn's POV

"Let's go on a little date" I suggested looking up at Maya who was rubbing up and down my back as she laid on her side and I laid on my stomach beside her "you wanna go on a date?" She asked and I nodded "yeah"

She thought about it for a bit then sat up excitedly "oh yes let me take you to an arcade please. It's my favorite place ever. It has the best games and food, oh my god you're gonna love it" I smiled at how excited she was and nodded without any hesitation.

"Come on, get ready"

She's a cutie.


"Marky" she said to the guy selling food. He smiled widely "Parker what the fuck? Thought you died" he said leaning on the counter to give her a small hug.

"So this is the girl who stole you.." he said looking over at me. He smirked and looked down my body "..fair" she held his chin and pushed his face to the side "look away" she said very seriously.

I love how protective and possessive she is.

It makes me feel really safe and good because I really hate guys flirting with me and looking at me like I'm some kind of object.

"Okay. It's serious, I get it" he said putting his hands up in surrender "get me some fries with extra ketchup and mayo and I'll let that slide" she said and he nodded "I got you"

"It's hard being with a hot woman" she said making me laugh "could say the same thing" Maya let out small laugh and held my waist, pulling me closer to her "I look hot" she nodded in agreement with what I said then she leaned in to kiss my bare shoulder since I was wearing a tank top.

"Just for me to look at though" I hummed and wrapped my arms around her neck as she placed a few kisses on my neck "goddamn get a room" we pulled back and looked towards Mark who placed some fries in front of Maya who smiled at him "you are forgiven" she said making him laugh "thank you my lord" he jokingly said "ew. Love you" she said to him making both of us laugh.

"Have fun" we walked towards the games "you're not gonna buy a card so we can play?" I asked her. She took her wallet out and pulled a card out for the games "i basically live here. I have more money in this than my bank account"


Maya's POV

We played a few games and we were having a lot of fun then Evelyn wanted to have some dance competition on the dancing game.

"I'm basically a god in this" I said making her laugh "show me your talents, bitch" she said aggressively making me laugh.

The game started and I was already winning but she looks so happy and everytime she won a simple game she would do a little cute dance from happiness.

I'd rather see that than win at this game.

I slowed down and messed up a few steps purposely so she can get ahead of me then when the game ended she clapped her hands and did her little dance.

I just smiled at how cute she is.

"A god huh? Lost to a first time player, loser" she poked my chest making me laugh "I'm your loser" I said making her laugh as she breathed heavily from the game and the celebration "that's so corny"

Usually, I'd get so pissed off if people started showing off that they won or something but I guess things are different when you love someone.


"Please stay over" Evelyn begged as we stood in front of the door of her house "I want to but imagine what your father would do when he sees me here in the morning?" I said and she shrugged "who the fuck cares about him? Elsie loves you. She would be stoked to see you in the morning"

I stayed quiet for a bit to think about it and she pulled on my hand "come on please please please" she kept repeating the same thing so I placed my hand over her mouth to shut her up "okay okay. Whatever makes you happy"

"Yay" she said against my lips and placed a soft peck on it.

We walked into her house and went up to her room. She got me an extra toothbrush so I brushed my teeth and went back to her room "here you go" she said handing me some shorts and a shirt that I'm very familiar with.

"Are these mine?" I asked her and she nodded "yeah. You're not taking them home. I like sleeping in them but this time is an exception since you'll be cuddling me" she said making me smile "creepy but kinda cute"

I put the shorts on and stayed in my bra. I like sleeping cold and seems like she does too.

"Wait are those my boxers?" I asked sitting up "yeah" she said folding my clothes that I wore when we were out and placed them gently on a table "why do you have my boxers? And please tell me those are clean"

She shrugged "I don't know" I laughed and shook my head in disbelief "you're obsessed with me" I said, kind of proud honestly. I like crazy shit like this.

"Yeah obviously" she admitted with absolutely no shame as she straddled my lap "this isn't my bra right?" I asked pointing at the one she's wearing. She laughed "no. My tits are too big for that" I nodded and shrugged "fair enough"

"Wait.." a smirk formed on her face "..your bra would be like a push up bra. It'll make them look even better" she said and I laughed "please stop stealing my clothes and underwear"

She kissed my lips and hugged me tightly "you know I won't stop"

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