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Maya's POV

"That looks bad" I looked up at Evelyn who sat in front of me "didn't think I'd find you here during lunch time" she added and I just looked down at the book in my hand "I'm not in the mood to eat"

What her dad said has been eating me alive and my feelings haven't calmed down since then. I'm really scared I'd say something to hurt Evelyn's feelings.

Even if it true that she slept with someone else. I just can't let myself hurt her.

She stood up and pulled her chair so she can sit beside me and took my hand in hers "please talk to me" I looked at her to see tears gathered in her eyes as she held tightly onto my hand "it hurts so much when you're not talking to me. That goodnight text really helps me sleep" she added giving me a small smile which broke my heart even more.

"I'm sorry it's just that.. your dad got into my head" she let a tear roll down her cheek as she moved to the edge of her chair so she can get closer to me "whatever he said, it's not true-" I cut her off "he said that you have someone other than me" I said calmly.

Her face expressions relaxed and she stayed quiet for a bit. I pulled my hand back and looked away from her "not true huh?" I shook my head as tears started forming in my eyes.

"It's not that way-" I looked back at her "not that way what? You told me you don't even like the way Charles fucking exists and I agreed to being in a secret relationship with you because I fucking like you. All the reassurance was fucking bullshit"

"It's not Charles" I raised my eyebrows and laughed "makes it much better" she held my hand to stop me from leaving "let me explain, please"

I stayed in my place without saying anything "it happened once, before we got officially together in a week. I was sad and I needed something, anything that can make me forget. I wanted to call you but I already texted you a few times and you didn't answer so I thought you were asleep and didn't want to bother you more so I just called.. Kane"

"Kane? As in Noel's friend? The guy I hang out with almost everyday?" She swallowed nervously and nodded "I'm sorry"

I looked into her eyes for a few seconds then pulled her into a hug. She hugged back tightly as she placed her head in the crook of my neck "please don't be mad at me"

I can't be mad at her. It happened before we got together. It's not fair if I got mad at her.

But I am definitely going to kill Kane for acting like he didn't fuck my girl. Even if it was before we got together, he probably doesn't know that and he's acting like the biggest supporter of Evelyn and I's relationship.

I kissed Evelyn's head "I'm not mad at you baby" she pulled back from the hug and sniffed "are you sure?" She asked. I smiled and cupped her face, wiping away her tears gently "I'm sure"

She looked around then placed a gentle kiss on my lips "don't ever not talk to me again" she said sternly making me laugh and nod my head "okay baby" 


"Really Kane?" He looked towards me alongside Noel and Henzo "really what?" He asked laughing stopping himself from walking to class with the others.

"You fucked my girl and acted like our biggest supporter?" I asked stepping closer to them "listen whatever it is, it's on her. I didn't know you two were fucking or together or whatever it is"

"It happened before we got together. We were just messing around back then" he laughed and shrugged his shoulders "so what's the problem?"

"Evelyn isn't just some girl you fuck and get over the next day. Trust me i know how it feels" I said making sure to not be too loud. He clenched his jaw "so what if I have a crush on her? It's not like I'll try anything. You make it pretty clear that she's yours"

I stepped closer to him "and you better not try anything, Kane. I'll kill you if you do. You hear me? I'll fucking kill you"

I'm extremely serious about this.

He nodded his head hesitantly "okay" he said quietly, looking away from my eyes. I just walked past him and locked eyes with Evelyn "walk with me?" I asked and she nodded, Charles not saying anything because of what happened.

"Are you okay? I saw you talking to Kane" she said after a bit of silence. I looked at her for a split second and nodded before looking in front of me again "block him" I said looking at her once again "already done" I smiled when she said that making her smile "I'm like.. really into you. I don't want to lose you" she added making me smile even more "I don't want to lose you either"

"Stare at me in class, will you?" She asked making me roll my eyes at her. I look at her a lot and she knows that "fuck you"

She patted my cheek "later baby"

And we're back.

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