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Maya's POV

"Good morning baby" I said looking down at Evelyn who looked up at me and smiled widely "seems like everyone already woke up" I added when I noticed that none of them were in her room anymore "they like to make themselves feel at home. They're probably making breakfast"

"Since they're not here.." I smirked at her and she bit her lip when she realized what I wanted to offer "morning head?" She questioned and I nodded, pecking her lips a few times before going under the blanket.

She was only wearing panties and a hoodie.

She moved her panties to the side, exposing her pussy to me "someone's excited" I said as I started rubbing her clit. I went up to her face and kept rubbing her "I missed you so much baby" she kissed me roughly making me smile and speed up my movements with my fingers.

"I touched myself thinking about you.." she mumbled when she pulled back from the kiss then kissed me again "..so many times" she said breathing heavily.

"Oh yeah?" She nodded and pulled my hair as she placed her head back "yes baby"

I got under the blankets again and licked in between her folds, feeling eager to taste her "make me cum baby" her wish is my command.

I slipped my tongue into her hole making her moan loudly. I missed those moans so much.

She likes my tongue inside of her and my fingers on her clit more, not the opposite. I don't know why but I am not complaining, she gets so loud when I do this.

"You're making me feel so good baby" she pushed my face more into her making my close my eyes and enjoy how good she tastes.

I heard someone open the door aggressively and I wanted to stop but Evelyn didn't let me "get the fuck out!" She yelled at whoever came inside. I heard a laugh "oh my god" then the door closed.

"Keep going keep going" I made one of my hands reach up to her tits under bra and she placed her hand over mine, massaging over her breasts "I'm gonna cum so hard Maya" the way she says my name is so hot.

Risky sex is Evelyn's favorite thing. It turns her on so much. Turns me on too not gonna lie.

"Oh yes yes yes" she repeatedly as I felt her pussy tightening around my tongue. I let her enjoy her high then pulled away as she let go of her panties and my hair.

I pulled my hand from under her shirt and went up to her face to see how she looks after her orgasm because she always looks so damn sexy all messed up and tired.

"Good job baby" she praised making butterflies kill my stomach. I love when she praises, makes me feel so good but if my friends ever see how I am with Evelyn they'll be so surprised.

I didn't know I liked to be a bit babied and praised in the relationship until Evelyn became a part of my life.

She takes good care of me and makes me feel so good about myself.

No one ever made me feel like this. Sure, we fight but that's how it is when you're a couple so it's okay.

We make up then everything goes back to normal.

"I love you so much" I said kissing her lips "I love you even more baby"

We brushed our teeth then went downstairs to see that everyone was sitting outside by the pool "there they are" one of her friends said pointing at us "you guys sleep like one. You cuddle so hard" Cleo said making us both laugh as I sat down and Evelyn sat in my lap.

"They are one. Girl was inside of her two seconds ago" my face turned red a little as I smiled at Evelyn who shrugged "you're just jealous I have a hot ass amazing girlfriend that also eats pussy good"

"Real" her friend said as she sat in front of us including Malakai and the others.

"Can I use your phone a little?" Evelyn asked me and I nodded my head, handing her my phone so she can do whatever she wants.

"You gave her your phone so easily. You're whipped" Malakai said. I changed my smiley face into a straight bitchy face when he talked "yeah she's my girlfriend" I said and he shrugged "I wouldn't"

"Yeah because you're a man whore" Evelyn said still not looking up from my phone. He laughed and she rolled her eyes at him making me smile "damn are you slut shaming me?" He asked licking his lips looking at her in a way that I do not like.

I wrapped my arms tighter around her "yes. I only slut shame boys. Girls can do whatever they want and they stay slaying" I smiled at what she said and kissed her shoulder making her smile as she went on my Instagram.

She likes to scroll through my phone and I don't mind, I have nothing to hide.

I don't even follow anyone on Instagram other than my close friends and Evelyn.

"So Mia.." I looked at Malakai "you know my name" I said rudely knowing he's just doing that to annoy me "who do you think you are bitch?" He asked in the same tone I used "Don't fucking talk to my girlfriend like that. You know her fucking name" Evelyn defended.

I'm going to fuck her so hard when they leave.

"You haven't said one single nice thing to me since we met" he complained and Evelyn nodded "you were funny at first but then you just began to be annoying"

He shook his head in disbelief as Evelyn stood up after handing me my phone "want something to drink baby?" She asked and I shook my head with a smile on my face "no thank you" I said kissing her hand making her smile "that's so precious" one of her friends said making me smile.

Evelyn walked inside of the house to get herself something to drink then Malakai got up "I'm gonna leave" he said, I guess waiting for someone to stop him but no one did.

Then he just left "thank fucking god he left" Cleo said as the other girls nodded in agreement alongside Max who was one of Evelyn's childhood friends "I hate him" one of the other girls said.

I don't know their names. Evelyn told me but I forgot.

"He literally made a move on all of you guys" Max said as he ate the plate full of grapes "he was hot but the personality was shit"

"Wait did he make a move on Eve?" I asked them out of curiosity and jealousy "of course he did. You bagged the hottest girl ever but she loves you so much. She literally threw her drink and her nachos on him" Evelyn loves her nachos.

That's my girlfriend everyone.

After a bit, Evelyn walked back in with two drinks "you love lemonade" she said handing me a glass of lemonade "Elsie and I made it. She kept saying she wants to make some with you too"

"Where is Elsie?" I asked her "she's staying at my mom's house for a few days. She took Crunchie with her"

Evelyn said before that she wanted to live with her mom but her dad didn't let her or Elsie live with her since he has full custody of them and she's scared of him.

"Why didn't you tell me about the nachos thing with Malakai?" I asked her quietly so only she can hear "I don't know. I know it would've annoyed you and I thought maybe I could tell you when you get back home"

She looked up from her lap and looked into my eyes "are you mad at me?" She asked and I shook my head then pecked her lips "I'm not baby. I love you"

Risky, my favorite // lesbian story (g!p x girl)Where stories live. Discover now