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Maya's POV

"There she is" I said standing up and stepping closer to Noel who started coming towards our table. I gave her a small hug then introduced her to my friends.

They all greeted her then she sat down in front of Carla and I, in the empty space next to Gabi's seat. Carla is onto this plan too.

"I bullied the guy into making me some weird ass fries with everything" I looked towards Gabi who came towards us with food shoved in her mouth "Gabi this is Noel" Gabi looked over at Noel who was smiling at her.

Gabi rushed the swallowing of the food and wiped her mouth and hands with my literal jacket "hey" she said to Noel who laughed at my face since I was shocked at the fact that my jacket is covered with some disgusting ass shit she ate.

Noel stood up and gave her a hug then Gabi sat beside her "why am I sitting here? How am I supposed to look at this beautiful woman beside me the whole time?" Gabi said making Noel blush at what she said.

"You'll survive" I said and she shook her head "not really" she turned to look at Noel and smiled "tell me about you" she said making Noel look down shyly. The plan is definitely working.

I made Gabi drink a bit. I didn't make her drink, I brought up the word alcohol and she drank a lot so this is why she's being confident about things. She's usually really shy.

We talked for a bit "is that Evelyn?" We all looked behind us when Noel said that and I saw Evelyn walk in. I groaned and looked in front of me, hoping she doesn't come towards us but I know she is.

"Wait woah, she's hot" Gabi said and Noel bit down on her bottom lip nervously, looking down "I mean not as hot as Noel but hot" that made Noel smile because Gabi didn't even see that Noel got upset, she just said it. And she's drunk so she's honest.

"Also you're beautiful, not just hot. I just felt like a man calling you hot instead of an actual appropriate compliment" Gabi said making Noel laugh "thank you" Noel said then reached out to remove a strand of hair away from Gabi's face. Cute.

"Hey" I looked up at Evelyn and she kept her focus on me "can I talk to you?" I just looked into her eyes as her eyebrows frowned together when I didn't give her a response "please" she pleaded looking at me with those cute ass eyes that I cannot fucking resist.

"I'll be back" I said to the others and stood up, going outside with Evelyn following behind me.

I stopped and turned to look at Evelyn "hey" she said smiling a little. She's a little awkward. It's cute or whatever.

"Why did you post the pictures then take them down? Like what's the point?" I asked crossing my arms. She swallowed hardly and played nervously with her fingers then took a deep breathe before speaking up.

"I felt bad. That's why I took it down" she said simply "why do you post things like that in the first place?" I asked angrily.

"I don't know. I know it's wrong, I just- I don't know why I do it" she said looking down to avoid my eyes "being a bad fucking person isn't something you look past, Evelyn" I spoke making her look up at me again.

"Like I genuinely started to like you and not in a very friendly way but I'm seriously reconsidering things right now. What the fuck?" I shook my head in frustration as I saw her face drop at what I said "just go. I wanna hang out with my friends" I said walking back inside before she could say anything.

"Are you okay?" Noel asked me. I smiled and nodded "yeah I'm fine" I said looking down at the table.

The night did not go well for me. I just kept overthinking the whole time as this feeling in my stomach kept annoying me and stopped me from eating anything.

I fucking hate this.


"Oh my fucking god you almost gave me a heart attack" I said when I turned on the lights in my room to see Evelyn sitting on the edge of my bed "what are you doing here and why were you sitting in the dark like that?"

"It's part of the surprise" she said standing up "I bought you some chocolate" she added showing me the chocolate she placed on my desk "thanks"

"What's this?" I asked pointing to the box on the desk "I rolled a few blunts for you" her love language. I remember.

I tried my best not to smile when she said that "I deleted that account or deactivated it, I'm not sure what happened but it's not there anymore. I'm gonna start to try and be a better person" she said stepping closer to me "also I'm really sorry about everything. I really am"

"Why did you do all of that? I know it's not only about being a better person, you could've done that long ago" she laughed and looked down nervously "I guess I like you not in a friendly way either" she said making me crack a small smile.

"Do you still.. like me?" She asked nervously, looking into my eyes. I laughed and nodded "yeah I do. I can't stop liking you this fast"

A big smile formed on her face as she kept playing with her fingers nervously "okay nice nice" she said awkwardly making me laugh. I stepped closer to her and cupped her face "you're so cute when you're awkward" I said kissing her lip softly.

My hands moved down to her waist and I pulled her closer to me as we kept kissing passionately and slowly.

She pulled back from the kiss, stood on the tip of her toes then wrapped her arms around my neck to pull me into a tight hug.

I relaxed into the hug "I missed you so much" she said quietly "you don't have to be such a softie about it" I whispered into her ear jokingly making her pull back and punch my chest playfully "I'm kidding.." I held her hand and kissed it "..I missed you too"

"Come on" she said pulled me towards her bed. We laid down under the blanket facing each other "can you stay the night?" I asked and she laughed "fuck yeah I can. I have been craving some Maya cuddles" I laughed and kissed her nose as I gently played with her hair.

"Are you okay with the Charles situation?" She asked after a bit of silence "I mean if you don't kiss him or cuddle with him or have sex with him or hug him. I'm okay with it" she laughed at what I said and nodded "don't worry about that. I hate him and I hate touching him"

"Even the hand holding, don't hold his hand where you like.. put your fingers together or whatever you call it" I said. She smiled "I like this jealousy thing" she said moving closer to me.

"And don't worry about anything like that. I only like when you do those things with me"

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