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Maya's POV

"Oh it's you" Evelyn tried to close the door before I stepped in so I put my hand on it to stop it from closing. I stepped into the house and held her hand "come on baby" I said holding her waist and pulling her closer to me.

"You have your other bitch Noel. Go to her" she said pulling back from my arms. I laughed and closed the door then held her arm a bit rougher so she can't walk away from me.

"It was a joke. I wanted to make you jealous" I said smiling at her as she looked up at me with her cute angry eyes "I didn't like it"

"Maybe you should.. punish me for it" I said leaning closer to her face. She raised her eyebrows "maybe I should. Or maybe I should.. take you upstairs to my room and edge you, or maybe tie you to my bed.." her hand moved down my pants, rubbing over my area making me pull my bottom lip in between my teeth.

She moved her face closer to my ear and placed a soft kiss on her ear "..or maybe I should send a video to all the bitches that like you and show them who you love fucking, or maybe I should be a little bit meaner and do this"

Evelyn took a few steps back and interlocked her fingers with mine "mom, dad, I have someone special I want you to meet" fuck no.

Sure I want to meet her parents officially but not with a boner.

Her dad already hates me because he thinks I bring trouble and because I obviously have a thing for his taken daughter and I'm guessing he's the one not allowing her to break up with Charles.

And now I'm going to meet her mother for the first time while being very frustratingly horny. 

"Eve no" she pulled me outside to the dining table where they were sitting at.

Her mom stood up as she approached us with a smile on her face, her dad already hating that I'm here and he did not try to hide that.

I pulled my shirt down more even though it's already oversized and my boner isn't that obvious but I'm just nervous.

"Hi. You must be Maya, Evelyn told us about you" she said smiling at me. Evelyn's beauty is definitely from her mother because her dad is mad ugly.

"Good things I hope" I said smiling widely as I put my hand out for her to shake "we know you make Evelyn very happy" she said making me look at Evelyn who blushed a little at what her mom said.

"But we don't know much about you so I hope we get to know you more tonight" she added as we walked towards the table. I looked at her dad and put my hand out for him to shake "it's good to see you again sir" I said nervously. He shook my hand and stayed quiet.

Evelyn took my hand and we both sat down on the table as her parents sat in front of us, her mom in front of me and her dad in front of her.

They brought me an extra plate and put some food in it. I started talking to her mother, making her laugh a bit "does Charles know about this?" Evelyn's dad asked "he knows I'm having amazing sex with someone other than his ugly ass, yeah"

A simple "yes" would've been fine but this works too I guess.

Her mom excused herself from the table, saying she has a phone call to answer and she'll be right back.

"Hey baby?" I looked over at Evelyn who pushed her chair back "I'm gonna go deal with a thing real quick" she took a glance at her father then stood up, tilting my chin up and smashing her lips on mine.

We made out for a few seconds and she pulled back "give me a sec baby" she said making me nod my head as she walked inside of the house to do whatever.

"Something I hate more than my daughter dating a woman is that she's dating a woman like you. I brought you in my school because the board suggested getting a student with your academic accomplishments but I didn't like it and I still don't. You bring her trouble and you're not good enough for her so stay the fuck away from her"

I ate my food as he talked, trying not to give him the satisfaction of him getting on my nerves which he is doing so well.

I wiped my mouth and sat back on my chair "with all due respect sir.. no" I simply answered making him take a deep breathe "what?" He asked. I just shrugged my shoulders "no, I'm not staying away from your daughter"

"You can fail me, expel me from school, put whatever in my file but I am not leaving your daughter whatsoever. She makes me happy and I'm pretty sure I make her feel the same way so nothing you say will make me leave her"

He stood up and came towards me, standing behind my chair and placing his hand on the table as I felt his disgusting breathe on my ear "even if I tell you that you're not the only one she's having 'amazing sex' with?"

I am definitely having some criminal thoughts right now.

I stood up and turned to face him "I trust Evelyn" I said and he laughed "that's the stupidest thing you said"

I am not even kidding when I say I'm going to dream of killing him tonight.

I hate this man.

And what I hate more is that I'm letting what he's saying mess with my head. My heart is aching and my whole body is heating up. I'm angry at the thought of Evelyn cheating on me and I'm scared of it actually being true.

"She's the least trustable person you can find. She would hate if you breathe around someone but she would definitely go have sex with someone else behind your back. Especially when she's with someone who's a complete freak"

I walked past him and saw Evelyn step out into the backyard "where are you going?" She asked but I walked past her, my eyes stuck to the ground. I can't look at her right now and if I talk to her, I'll say something stupid that will hurt her.

I'll talk to her when I calm down.

"Baby" she held my hand and turned me around "I just need time alone" I said pulling my hand back and leaving her house.

I started walking towards my car then I heard a voice "what are you doing in my girl's house?" I tried to ignore Charles' annoying voice but then I felt his hand on my shoulder, turning me to face him.

My fist met with his face immediately. He stood up again and punched me, making me lose my balance a little then I felt another punch on my chin making me fall to the ground with some blood coming out of my mouth.

"Charles!" He turned to look at Evelyn who approached us and I stood up, going towards him and pushing him on the ground with me falling on top of him. I started punching his face repeatedly until someone pulled me off, Evelyn's dad.

"What is wrong with you?!" He yelled before going to check on Charles as Evelyn came towards me. She cupped my face "you're bleeding" she said. I moved my face to the side so her hands fall from my face "I'll live"

I walked to my car and got in it, driving away immediately.

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