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Maya's POV

"Can you get me some water baby?" Evelyn said with her eyes still closed as she laid naked on her stomach after we had the most amazing sex.

But every time with her feels like the most amazing experience ever.

"Of course baby. Need anything to eat?" She shook her head with a smile on her face "I love you" she whispered, too tired to even raise her voice. I smiled and kissed her shoulder "I love you more"

I got dressed and went downstairs to get her something to drink and eat because she loves food.

I smiled at Erika who was in the kitchen "hi. Can I help you with anything?" She asked and I scratched the back of my neck "I don't know what to take for Eve to eat"

"I have the perfect thing" I went towards her as she showed me a chocolate cake "it's Evelyn's favorite" she cut a piece from it, placed it in a plate then handed it to me as I held a water bottle in my other hand "thank you" I said giving her a side hug "of course"

I went upstairs again and opened the door quietly in case she slept. I stepped into the room then locked the door. I approached the bed slowly and noticed her mouth slightly opened while she was still laying on her stomach and heard quiet snores leaving her beautiful mouth.

I smiled at how precious she looks then took my shirt off alongside the pants I put on to go get her things from the kitchen then slipped under the blanket, laying on my side to look at Evelyn.

I started rubbing her bare back as I moved even closer to her "I love you" I whispered softly in her ear only to earn a snore which made me laugh a little.

I love how real we can be with each other. I can do the stupidest shit ever with her but never feel embarrassed.

I can be myself without worrying about anything.


"Look who's here" Evelyn said to Elsie as I stepped into their house. Elsie gasped when she saw me and jumped off the couch, running towards me "Meme you're back!" She said excitedly, jumping in my arms.

I carried her and spun her around "I missed you baby" I said kissing the side of her head. I placed her down and looked at Evelyn who placed her phone in her pocket after she took a few pictures of us.

"Now me?" Evelyn asked putting her arms out for me as she pouted making me laugh. I pecked her lips and hugged her tightly "I missed you" she said hugging me tightly as if we didn't have sex literally last night.

"I missed you too" I backed away from the hug, keeping my arm around her shoulder as I turned around to look Elsie "can you take us out tonight? I don't wanna stay here with daddy" Elsie said hugging my leg.

I looked over at Evelyn as she rubbed the side of head in frustration. I guess I wasn't supposed to know that things with her dad are getting worse.

"How about you come to my place? You'll love Linda"

I want to be the type of girlfriend that takes her girlfriend out twice a week but I can't be. I don't have that much money to take her to fancy places.

I'm trying to find a job now, maybe I can get some of my own money since my dad stopped giving me literally any money. He used to give me 10 dollars a week, 20 if I'm lucky but I saved it for so long so I have a bit of money now.

I recently found this job as a waitress in a restaurant that pays well. I might be able to save enough to take Evelyn to the fancy Italian restaurant that opened not too long ago because I know the money I have will barely cover the bill of it.

"Okay. I'll go put my shoes on and get Crunchie" Elsie said running upstairs.

I turned to Evelyn and she covered her face with her hands "I'm sorry about not telling you that things still suck with my dad" she apologized but I just wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a hug "it's okay, you're still learning to open up and talk about your issues"

She let out a breathe and relaxed into my embrace "your hugs are so comforting" she said making me smile.

"I'm ready" I pulled back from the hug, wiped the few tears that left her eyes then kissed her forehead "Crunchie hi baby" I said taking the cat from Elsie.

I kissed her head a few times as Evelyn rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped both of her arms around my arm as if she wanted to hold me in any possible way.

So I held Crunchie with my right hand and wrapped the other around her shoulder, pulling her closer to me.

"I'll drive baby" I said taking the keys from Evelyn who nodded with a smile.

I usually walk here since it's 25-30 minutes away from my house if I speed walk and I don't have my own car. I'm working on getting one soon hopefully.

We got to my house and Elsie held my hand with both of her hands "what if she doesn't like me?" She asked me cutely making me smile "she's gonna love you baby, don't worry" I said reassuringly as Evelyn held Crunchie.

I kissed Evelyn's shoulder making her look at me and smile.

I hate how sad and overwhelmed she looks.

We stepped into the house and went to the living room to see Linda "hi Maya. Hi pretty girl, what's your name?" she bent down to Elsie's level "I'm Elsie, Eve's sister" she said shyly.

They started talking and playing with Crunchie as Evelyn and I sat beside each other on the couch across from them.

Evelyn had her hands in between her thighs while she was looking at the tv, zoned out.

"Let's go to my room" I said placing my hand on her thigh. She nodded and stood up, holding my hand "we're gonna go upstairs, you gonna be okay here?" I asked Elsie who nodded "yes. I love Linda!" She said excitedly making me smile.

We went upstairs to my room and I watched Evelyn walking towards my bed and sitting down on it "I hate seeing you like this baby. Talk to me" I said sitting beside her.

"I'm just so exhausted from my dad. And the bruises and scars on my body make me look.. horrible and you know how confident I am but I feel so fucking insecure right now because of them. I just don't want you to think differently of me when you see them and think I'm not attractive anymore"

"Are you serious baby?" She avoided my gaze and looked down at her feet.

I got off the bed and sat on my knees in front of her, holding both of her hands in mine "I literally love you so much. I couldn't care less about the scars and bruises. I've never in my life seen someone more beautiful than you and I never will. I love everything about you, especially your flaws. They make you more you"

Evelyn teared up and pecked my lips then hit the side of my head "what do you mean flaws? I'm perfect" she said making me laugh "yes you are baby"

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