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Maya's POV

"Come to the party tonight. It's gonna be fun" Marcus said to me. He's one of our classmates "who's throwing it?" I asked.

"I am" I looked towards Charles who spoke up "then I'd rather kill myself than come to the party" I said and he smiled "good. I don't want you there"

The teacher walked in and the lesson started. Evelyn wasn't in class yet but of course, it doesn't matter because she's the principal's daughter. She's basically untouchable.

She walked in after a few minutes and the teacher just looked at her, not daring to say a single thing as she went to sit in her place.

After the class finished, I went to my locker to get something "hey" I looked at Evelyn who rested on the locker beside me "what do you want now?" I asked closing my locker "not the right way to talk to the person that took your nudes down, don't you think?"

I sighed "what do you want now, princess?" I jokingly said "I prefer mommy but that'll do it for now" she said taking her phone out "give me your number" she demanded.

"And why do you want my number?" I asked crossing my arms "so I can send you the address of the party"

"I don't wanna come to the party" she laughed and placed her hand under my chin "don't be like that. Come to the party, it'll be a lot of fun" she said biting her lip gently.

"You sure your boyfriend would like that?" I asked taking her phone and putting my number in it "we'll surprise him"

I gave her the phone back and she looked down at it, rolling her eyes "big dick Maya, really?" she said reading the name I put "what? Just so you don't confuse me with another Maya" 

"I'm gonna change it to..." she started typing something "...annoying Parker. More convenient, don't you think?" She didn't let me answer. She just ran her hand on my stomach as she walked away.

I turned to look at her and she took one last look before going to her friends. She really is something.

"Hey" I smiled at Noel and walked with her "you wanna come with me and my friends after school? We're going to this restaurant. You're gonna love it" she said.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder "I'd love to but I promised my friends that I'll go out with them. I already bailed on them a few times because of the work the teachers give us"

"Maybe you'll come hang out with us sometime" I said and she smiled, nodding her head "maybe"

We stood by our friends, talking and laughing. I looked to my side when I felt someone staring to see that Evelyn was looking at me.

Then my view was blocked by Cindy resting on the lockers next to me "are you coming to the party tonight?" She asked playing with my hair "I'm thinking about it"


"Oh my god you're gonna get laid so hard" Gabrielle said. I laughed and shook my head in disbelief "private school girls here die for big dicks" She added and the rest nodded their heads, agreeing with her as I just laughed.

"Wait do you have a specific person in mind? Do you have a crush?" Carla asked and I shook my head "fuck no"

They kept teasing me but I didn't say anything. I just let them do the thing they always do. They always do this but I love them so I don't say anything about it.

My phone vibrated so I looked to see who it was and it was Evelyn.

Evelyn Clark

Don't be late

Miss me already?

You wish

You do miss me
Threatened me on the first
day and look where we
are now

I still hate you yk
but ig you're cool

And hot

Ew no

You gotta admit it at some point
I see the way you look at me

It's because you're weird looking
not hot

Yeah rightttt

Just stfu and come to the party

I'll think about it


I laughed at her last text and left her on read. I looked back at my friends who were giving me some look "who was that? The new bae?" Gabi teased and I shook my head "say that about anyone but her"

"You have an enemy already?" She asked and I laughed "enemies but I don't really care, it doesn't matter"

We talked for a while then I went back home with Gabrielle as the others went back to their places.

"So what should I wear?" I asked her opening my closet "sit down and let me handle this" she pushed me on the bed and went to look into my closet.

"You gotta look cool as fuck but not too much, like cool but not try hard cool" Gabrielle said and I squinted my eyes at what she was saying "bitch- just pick an outfit and stop talking"

She picked out some pants and threw them on me then took out some shirt "put this on" I stood up and started taking my clothes off. I pulled my pants up "where the fuck did these pants come from? I don't remember buying it" I said buttoning it "I have my ways"

I put on the shirt and she clapped for me "you look so sexy" she complimented "this is literally the most basic thing I can wear" they were just some black low waisted baggy pants and a tight black graphic crop top "who cares? You make everything sexy"

She gave me a belt "put this on bitch. We don't want your pants to fall and leave your dick on display for everyone to see" I laughed and buckled my belt then went towards her since she started picking out some things "rings are very important babe" she handed me a few rings and I put them on "and a simple chain, not too much"

I went towards my phone when it buzzed to see that Evelyn sent me a picture of herself dancing with a few friends at the very crowded party.

Evelyn Clark

Where are you ????

Getting ready


Stop missing me so much

I laughed when she left me on read and I can see her just rolling her eyes at my text. I went to Gabrielle who was now picking a perfume as if I'm going to die if she doesn't pick the perfect one

"It's just perfume" she shushed me and took two perfumes "you're gonna get laid tonight all thanks to me" she said spraying the two perfumes she picked on me.

I fixed my hair in the mirror then kissed her cheek "I'm gonna go" I said and she nodded "tell me what happens and how it happens" she said winking at me "stop being a pervert"

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