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Evelyn's POV

I woke up to some knocking on my window. At first I panicked because.. it's fucking three in the morning but then I saw my pretty girl's face.

I opened my nightstand light and went to open the window for her "what are you doing here baby?" I asked letting her step into my room.

I closed the window and looked towards Maya who still gave me her back "baby?" I said closing the curtains but I noticed that she had her hands covering her face.

I stood in front of her and held her wrists, making her remove her hands from her face "what is it baby?" her face was so sad to look at. It broke my heart to see my girl like this.

"I miss my mom so much" she said wiping away her tears and sniffing "oh baby" I pulled her into my arms and felt her tears on my neck as she kept crying.

"I can't breathe" she said. I kissed the side of her head and pulled back from the hug, taking her hand and leading her towards the bed so she can sit on the edge of my bed.

I went to get my water bottle from the nightstand then went back to her. I sat down beside her "drink some water baby" I said helping her drink it.

I placed the water bottle down and rubbed her chest gently then she held my hand tightly "I feel like I'm suffocating" she said and I nodded, moving closer to her "try to breathe slowly. I'm right here baby.." she placed her head on my shoulder so I wrapped my other arm around her shoulder and played with her hair gently.

"..you're not alone" I reassured and she nodded her head as I kept rubbing her chest for comfort.

From what she told me about her relationship with her parents, her mom was a lot closer to her and she felt more at home when her mom was in the picture because her dad isn't exactly the best.

And even though she didn't specifically tell me this but I know that she feels alone and like no one is here for her.

But now I'm a part of her life. I'm not saying I'm going to replace her mom or act like her mom but being the person that took care of Elsie for her entire life, I intend to do some motherly things unintentionally and I think Maya really needs those things right now.

I felt her breathing slow down and go back to normal slowly which made me feel relaxed because I was worried that I can't actually help her through this.

"I'm sorry I woke you up" she said lifting her head off my shoulder "don't apologize. I'm really happy you came here" I really am. I'm happy that I make her feel safe enough to come talk to me about things like this.

"It's my mom's birthday today" she said looking down at her lap "was that what made you upset in school?" I asked taking her hand in mine so she would stop playing with her fingers nervously and make her feel a bit safer and relaxed.

She nodded her and took a glance at me before looking down again "I wasn't upset when I was texting you but before I went to sleep, I saw the date and it affected me more than I wanted it to and I made you feel bad-" I cut her off "baby I'm alright. I'm completely fine. I don't want you to think about me right now, think about you and how to make you happy because I'm happy just being here for you"

She looked into my eyes and smiled a little making me smile "are you feeling okay now?" I asked rubbing over her knuckles.

I know she's upset but I mean about the panic attack she was having.

Maya leaned in and kissed my lips roughly. I felt her hand moving up my thigh so I pulled back "as much as I love when you touch me, we're not gonna have sex just so you can forget your feelings. Acknowledging your feelings is very important baby" she sighed and kissed my shoulder "i hate you for being a good girlfriend"

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