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Evelyn's POV

I stepped into class with a smile on my face, excited to see Maya since I had to sneak out of her house before her dad saw me.

I didn't think he would've minded me being there but I didn't see them before I went up to Maya's room so him and his girlfriend would've thought I was there just for sex and had this image of me being a slut or whatever. I don't know, I just want them to like me.

And we went to her house because it was closer to the cemetery than my house.

But I didn't see her next to Noel.

I sat down in my place and thought I'd wait for a bit, maybe she slept in because she cried a lot yesterday. She's probably really tired.

Then after the first period, she stepped in. There were dark circles under her eyes, everyone can clearly tell she's having a bad time.

"Did you turn emo?" Charles asked laughing. I hit his arm making him look at me "I'll be the one to beat you up this time. Shut up" I threatened then looked at Maya again, giving her a small smile that she returned and walked towards her seat.

I turned to look at her to see that Noel was looking at her with a sad look as she rested her elbows on the table and the side of her head on her fist with her eyes starting to close.

I wish I can help her and make her feel better.


I went to the cafeteria with my friends and looked towards Maya's table but she wasn't there with her friends. I placed my tray on the table and went towards them "where is Maya?" I asked them "she said she's going to the bathroom"

Even though we have a lot of bathrooms, I know exactly which one she's at. She has a favorite.

I went to the bathroom and went to the only door that was closed. I knocked on it gently "Maya?" I asked. I heard someone sniffing then the door opened "oh baby.." I said pulling her into a hug which made her start to cry again "..it's okay, I'm right here"

We ended up sitting on the bathroom floor as she had her arms wrapped around me and her head on my chest while I was gently playing with her hair.

"You make feel really safe" she said after she calmed down. I smiled and she lifted her head off my chest "you must really like me huh?" She said letting out a small laugh "fuck yeah. I wouldn't be sitting on a school's bathroom floor if I didn't"

Maya placed her forehead on mine and closed her eyes "thank you for being here for me"


"Oh my god. Kitties everywhere" Maya said excitedly as we walked into the animal shelter.

It's been a few days since her mother's birthday and she's been doing better but I want her to have fun and I know this woman loves animals (especially cats) more than anything in the entire world.

I was going to buy her one but adopting one from a shelter sounded nicer and better for the cute cats.

"Look at that one. She's so cute. Can I take her out of her cage?" Maya asked me as if I'm in charge here. I looked at the worker who approached us and she nodded with a smile on her face "I'll help you with that"

She unlocked the cage "she's a little scared. We picked her up from the street and she had clearly been abused so she avoids letting random people touch her" the worker explained making Maya pout her lips.

Maya was sitting on the floor like she was at home since the cage is at the bottom "hi pretty" Maya said in a cute little baby voice as she tried calling over the cat who stayed sitting in the corner "her name is.. Crunch" I said reading the name.

"Crunchie such a cutie" Maya said still using the baby voice. I allow baby voices for animals and little people.

She rubbed the cat with her index finger gently then let the cat smell her hand "she's so soft" Crunch is a black cat who's a little big in size but seems a bit skinny for a cat.

Maya pulled her hand back "come here baby, it's okay" she called over the cat and I was surprised to see the cat respond to her and get up.

Crunch started to approach Maya slowly "look babe, she's coming to me" she whispered to me making me smile "I can see that"

"You're so soft" Maya said rubbing Crunch's face who seemed to enjoy it very much.

Crunch got on Maya's lap and got comfortable. I crouched down and petted her "she's adorable. You want her?" I asked Maya and she nodded her head "I have to take her. You're gonna come home with us and cuddle with me and mommy" she told Crunch making me smile even more.

I literally feel like a wife. I love it.

"She loves you" the worker said "I know. I wanna take her" Maya said standing up as she carried Crunch with her "I'll get you the cage. Would you like to buy the food and everything?" She asked as we followed her "yeah"

Maya was holding Crunch the whole time as I picked out the things for the cat. Got her some food, treats, litter and the litter box.

"I'll pay with card" I said. Maya stepped in "no baby you don't have to pay for it. I will" I smiled and handed the girl my card "it's okay. Crunch is also my kid so" I said making her smile and kiss my cheek.

"Are you guys married?" The woman asked us with a smile on her face. I shook my head "not yet at least" I answered smiling at Maya "you're cute together"

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