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Maya's POV

"Hi pretty" I said stepping into Evelyn's room who smiled at me and sat up "you did your nails" I added when she approached me and pecked my lips "no one has ever noticed my nails that quickly" she said holding my hand and taking me towards the bed.

"They're pretty" I said holding her hand a bit up so I can see her pretty nails "thank you" I kissed her hand softly making her smile widely "you're so cute" she complimented.

"Can I do your nails? We can do a matching color" she said. I looked into her eyes and wanted to say no since I don't really like getting my nails done but I can't say no when she's looking at me like that.

I sighed and nodded "sure baby" she brought many tools and the nail polish "I bought the color they put for me because it's so pretty" oh and it's pink. It's a pretty pink but I don't like pink nail polish since it doesn't fit with many outfits, still though I'm going to do this for my girl.

I looked at her face the whole time as she poked her tongue out to focus. I couldn't help but smile at how cute she looks.

Then we heard Elsie step into the room "hi" she cutely said as she ran towards us and sat beside me on the ground since Evelyn was scared she'll get her bed dirty.

"I want nail paint too" Elsie said making Evelyn smile "of course. Let me finish with Maya's hand and I'll do yours. It's gonna be so cute" Evelyn said excitedly.

She finished my nails then started doing Elsie's nails as I sat beside her with my head on her shoulder.

I genuinely am so in love with this girl. Everything she does makes me so happy.


"Hi" I said smiling widely when Evelyn answered the phone "why are you calling me? Keep studying" she said "but I'm bored"

"Oh then you can come over and we can go out for pancakes- I don't care if you're bored, you're studying for finals" she said sternly. I laughed a little "but I miss you"

"I miss you too but we'll see each other a lot after finals so it's alright, just study baby"

"I'm horny though" I said groaning loudly "jerk off to your math equations then" then she just hung up. I love her.

I went to look at the album of pictures of her in my phone since I do that a lot. I just love looking at her beautiful face.


I love you
You're so beautiful

Then she left me on read which made me laugh. She got me swinging my feet and shit because I can see her smiling and rolling her eyes at my text.


I miss you☹️☹️☹️

What do you want

Yay you answered😁😁

Stop with the emojis


I'm actually gonna block you

I'm your girlfriend
You can't do that🤨🤨


I love you too🥰🥰🥰

You're gonna make me
kill myself

So cute

Thank god the emojis stopped

Oh wait I forgot
So cute😘😘😘


That's so hot

You're literally psychotic

Thank you.


You can't wait to see me

You're kinda right or wtv🙄🙄

The emojiiii
You're being like me🤭🤭🤭

I'm never gonna try to make you happy ever again

I love youuuuuu
So much
Like seriously


Excuse me
Are you insane

I'm kidding oh my god
You're the weirdest gf ever

I am absolutely shocked
I'm gonna cry myself to sleep

Baby I'm kidding
I love you too

Oh god
I can feel my heart stopping
I think I'm going blind
I wanna die

I literally just told you that I love you

But it doesn't feel real


A little titty pic would help🤭🤭🤭

I actually hate you

But the titty pic😕😕😕

Then she left me on read making me laugh and turn off my phone, laying on my back with a big smile on my face.

I fucking love that girl.

She bullies me all the time and it literally makes me blush.

I heard my phone buzzing and I picked it up to see that it was a picture from Evelyn. I opened it and my mouth fell open to the nude she sent me.


I was kidding
I didn't think you'd actually send a pic
Blushing and drooling
Might actually have to jerk off

Send me a piccccc

Evelyn Mila Clark
Are we gonna sext when we're studying for finals?

You'd rather I be there?

You're actually so hot
My bed is sooooo empty

You're making me think about it

Pls baby

Jerk off then study

But baby come on

I love youuu

I love you too

Guess I gotta deal with this on my own now.

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